The E:AB8AJ Model M1039 has been carefully pack- aged for safe transporting. If you notice the machine has been damaged, please contact your authorized E:AB 8AJ dealer immediately.
The following is a description of the main components shipped with the E:AB8AJ® Model M1039. Lay the components out to inventory them.
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If any parts are missing, examine the pack- aging for the missing parts. For any missing parts, find the part number in the back of this manual and contact Woodstock International, Inc. at (360)
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8% | Base | 1 |
9% | Table | 1 |
:% | Table Bracket | 1 |
;% | Headstock | 1 |
<% | Column | 1 |
?Xi[nXi\Xe[KffcjEfkJ_fne |
| |
• | Large Lock Lever | 1 |
• | Small Lock Lever | 1 |
• | Crank handle | 1 |
• | Handle | 1 |
• | Arbor | 1 |
• | Drift Key | 1 |
• | Chuck | 1 |
• | Chuck Key | 1 |
• | Downfeed Handles | 3 |
• | Lock Wrench | 1 |
• | Pinion | 1 |
• | Belt Cover Knob | 1 |
• | Hex Wrench 3mm | 1 |
• | Hex Wrench 4mm | 1 |
• | Hex Wrench 5mm | 1 |
• | Hex Bolt | 4 |
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=`^li\+% Large component inventory.