The charts shown on GX^\)' & GX^\)(are intended as guides only. Always follow the manufacturer's speed rec- ommendations if provided with your drill bits, cutters, or hole saws. Exceeding the recommended speeds may be dangerous.
The speeds shown are intended to get you started. The optimum speed will always depend on various factors, including tool diameter, drilling pressure, material hard- ness, material quality, and desired finish.
The belts in the head of the drill press must be rear- ranged to change speeds. A chart under the belt cover shows the belt positions needed to make the drill press run at the desired speed.
)% Loosen the belt tension lock knobs (shown in =`^li\ )*) on both sides of the headstock, so the motor is free to move.
*% Rotate the belt tension lever counterclockwise, as shown in =`^li\)+, to take tension off the
+% Locate the desired speed on the speed chart under the belt cover and move the
=fi<oXdgc\1 As indicated on the drill press speed chart on GX^\)(, a belt combination of
Efk\1 9fk_Y\ckjdXp_Xm\kfY\i\dfm\[Y\]fi\ Z\ikX`ejg\\[Z_Xe^\jZXeY\dX[\%
,% Rotate the belt tension lever until the belts are tight. Tighten both lock knobs.
8cnXpj\ejli\Y`kjXi\`ejkXcc\[gifg$ \icp9<=FI<klie`e^k_\dXZ_`e\FE% =X`cli\kf]fccfnZfii\Zk[i`ccY`k`ejkXc$ cXk`fe gifZ\[li\j ZXe c\X[ kf j\i`flj g\ijfeXc`ealip%
=`^li\)*% Loosening the lock knobs
(both sides).
=`^li\)+% Using the belt tension lever.