Woodstock M1039 manual NffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik, 8YflkPfliE\n$Jg\\i`ccGi\jj

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We stand behind our machines! In the event that questions arise about your machine, parts are miss- ing, or a defect is found, please contact Woodstock International Technical Support at (360) 734-3482 or send e-mail to: k\Z_$jlggfik7j_fg]fo%Y`q. Our knowledgeable staff will help you troubleshoot prob- lems and send out parts for warranty claims.

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Your new E:AB8AJ® 12-Speed Drill Press has been specially designed to provide many years of trouble- free service. Close attention to detail, ruggedly built parts and a rigid quality control program assure safe and reliable operation.

This drill press has a moveable table and headstock, both capable of 360º rotation around the column. The Model M1039 has a 20" swing and is capable of drilling 114" steel. Spindle speeds range from 210 RPM to 3300 RPM, and speeds are easily changed via the V-belt pulley system.

Woodstock International, Inc. is committed to customer satisfaction in providing this manual. It is our intent to include all the information necessary for safety, ease of assembly, practical use and durability of this product.



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