Panel mounting
Two mounting methods may be used when panel mounting the HS50 Display unit.
A drilling template, part no. 22084883, is supplied with the HS50 documentation. Use this template when making panel cut- out and drilling holes.
1Remove the front panel corners.
2Drill the mounting holes and make panel
3Use the supplied gasket (part no. 22084693) between the panel and the unit.
4Fasten the Display unit to the panel with the supplied 19 mm screws.
5Apply the front panel corners.
6Connect the Processing unit cable to the Display unit connector.
Do not
Alternative panel mounting
This way of mounting is simpler, but will lift the unit from the panel surface. When installed adjacent to Simrad MarineLine equipment there will be a 5.5 mm (0,22") difference in height between the Display unit and other equipment.
1Remove the front panel corners.
2Use the template and drill hole(s) only for the connectors.
3Place the 7.5 mm gasket (part no. 22086029) between panel and unit, correctly oriented (see marking on gasket).
4Fasten the Display unit to the panel with the supplied 19 mm screws.
5Apply the front panel corners.
6Connect the Processing unit cable to the Display unit connector.
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