Additional Safety Instructions
Rip Type Cuts.
o Never use the miter gauge when ripping
oUse a push stick whenever the fence is 2 or more inches from the blade
o Never thru_saw rip cuts narrower than 1/2 inch (See "Basic Saw
•Never rip anything shorter than 10" long
. When using a push stick or push block, the trailing end of the board must be square A push stick or block against an uneven end could slip off or push the work away from the fence
•A Featherboard can help guide the workpiece (see "Basic Saw
oAlways use featherboards for any non thru rip type cuts (See "Basic Saw Operations - Using Featherboards for NomThru Sawing" section,
Before Starting,
o To avoid kickbacks and slips into the blade, make sure the rip fence is parallel to the sawblade
o Before
. Plastic and composition (like hardboard) materials may be cut on your saw However, since these are usually quite hard and sIippery, the
While Thru-sawing.
•To avoid kickbacks and slips into the blade, always push forward on the section of the workpiece between the sawblade and the rip fence Never push forward on the piece being cut off
Make From 3/4" Thick Solid Wood
Kerfs About | 24" | _'iit |
5116" Apart_ |
| Grain | |
Crosscut Type Cuts.
o Never use the rip fence when crosscutting
o An auxiliary wood facing attached to the miter gauge can help prevent workpiece twisting and throwbacks Attach it to the slots provided Make the facing long enough and big enough to support your work Make sure, however, it wilt not interfere with the sawblade guard
Before Starting.
*Use jigs or fixtures to help hold any piece too small to extend across the full length of the miter gauge face during the cut. This lets you properly hold the miter gauge and workpiece and helps keep your hands away from the blade
While Cutting
°To avoid blade contact, always hold the miter gauge as shown in "Basic Saw Operations - Using The Miter Gauge"