Guide Specifications
Furnish and install where indicated on the drawings YORK MAXE Rotary Screw Liquid Chilling Unit(s). Each
unit shall produce a capacity of | tons, cooling | ||
GPM of | from | °F to | °F when supplied |
with | _____ GPM of condenser water at | ||
°F. Power input shall not exceed | kW with an IPLV | ||
(NPLV) of |
| _____. The evaporator shall be | |
selected for |
| ft2 °F hr/BTU fouling factor and a | |
maximum liquid pressure drop of | ft. Water side |
shall be designed for 150 or 300 psig working pressure.
The condenser shall be selected for fouling factor and maximum liquid pressure drop of ____ ft.
Water side shall be designed for 150 or 300 psig work- ing pressure. Power shall be supplied to the compres-
sor motor at volts –
– (or) –
Furnish and install where indicated on the drawings YORK MAXE Rotary Screw Liquid Chilling Unit(s). Each
unit shall produce a capacity of | kW, cooling | L/S | |||
of | from | °C to | °C when supplied with | ||
____ L/S of condenser water at | °C. Power input | ||||
shall not exceed | kW with an IPLV (NPLV) of | ||||
____. The evaporator shall be selected for | M2 °C/W |
fouling factor and a maximum liquid pressure drop of
___ kPa. Water side shall be designed for 1034 or 2068 kPa working pressure. The condenser shall be selected
for | M2 °C/W fouling factor and maximum liquid | |
pressure drop of | kPa. Water side shall be designed |
for 1034 or 2068 kPa working pressure. Power shall be supplied to the compressor motor at volts –
– 50 Hz and controls at 115 volts –
Performance shall be certified or rated in accordance with the latest edition of ARI Standard
Each unit shall be completely factory packaged includ- ing evaporator, condenser, subcooler, oil separator, com- pressor/motor, lubrication system, OptiView Control Center, Solid State Starter (optional), refrigerant isola- tion valves (optional) and all interconnecting piping and wiring. The factory package shall consist of a “Leaktight”
design, with no pipe thread connections that can loosen and leak over time. All units shall ship with a full charge of refrigerant
The compressor shall be a
Capacity control shall be achieved by use of a slide valve to provide fully modulating control from 100% to 20% of
Lubrication System
An adequate supply of oil shall be available to the com- pressor at all times. During
All chillers shall be provided with a single oil filter hous- ing with isolation valves. An optional dual filter is avail- able which allows immediate switching from one filter to the other, eliminating downtime during filter changes. The