Second, find the program in the welding software that best matches the desired welding process. The stan- dard software shipped with the Power Waves encom- passes a wide range of common processes and will meet most needs. If a special welding program is desired, contact the local Lincoln Electric sales repre- sentative.
To make a weld, the Power Wave needs to know the desired welding parameters. ArcLink allows full cus- tomization for exacting performance. The Power Wave can be programmed with specific values for Strike,
The Power Wave supports advanced features, like touch sensing and
All adjustments are made on through the user inter- face which can vary. Because of the different configu- ration options your system may not have all of the fol- lowing adjustments. Regardless of availability, all con- trols are described below.
1. WFS / AMPS:
In synergic welding modes (synergic CV, pulse GMAW) WFS (wire feed speed) is the dominant control parameter, controlling all other variables. The user adjusts WFS according to factors such as weld size, penetration requirements, heat input, etc. The Power Wave then uses the WFS setting to adjust its output characteristics (output voltage, out- put current) according to
In constant voltage modes (synergic CV, standard CV) the control adjusts the welding voltage.
In pulse synergic welding modes (pulse GMAW only) the user can change the Trim setting to adjust the arc length. It is adjustable from 0.500 to 1.500. A Trim setting of 1.000 is a good starting point for most conditions.
May be selected by name (CV/MIG, CC/Stick Crisp, Gouge, etc.) or by a mode number (10, 24, 71, etc.). Selecting a welding mode determines the out- put characteristics of the Power Wave power source
Also known as Inductance or Wave Control. Allows operator to vary the arc characteristics from "soft" to "harsh" in all weld modes. It is adjustable from