Chapter 4 | Advanced Configuration |
from the Restart screen, then the Router will send out your log file before it is reset.
System Management > Restart
Restart Router Click Restart Router to restart the Router. After clicking the button, a confirmation screen appears. Click OK to continue.
Restart Confirmation
System Management > Setting Backup
This screen allows you to make a backup file of your preferences file for the Router. To save the backup file, you need to export the configuration file.
To use the backup preferences file, you need to import the configuration file that you previously exported.
System Management > Setting Backup
Import Configuration File
To import a configuration file, first specify where your backup preferences file is located. Click Browse, and then select the appropriate configuration file.
Import After you select the file, click Import. This process may take up to a minute. Then restart the Router so that the changes will take effect.
Export Configuration File
Export To export the Router’s current configuration file, click Export.
File Download
Click Save, and then select the location where you want to store your backup preferences file. By default, this file will be called RV042.exp, but you may rename it if you wish. This process may take up to a minute.
Port Management > Port Setup
Configure the connection settings for each local port, such as priority, speed, and duplex. You can also enable or disable the
Port Management > Port Setup
Basic Per Port Config.
The Basic Per Port Config. table displays the following: Port ID The port number or name is displayed.
Interface The port’s interface type, LAN or WAN1/2, is displayed.
Disable To disable a port, select Disable.
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