Chapter 4 | Advanced Configuration |
Default Gateway Address Enter the IP address of the default gateway.
User Name and Password Enter your account’s User Name and Password. The maximum number of characters is 60.
Connect on Demand If you select the Connect on Demand option, the connection will be disconnected after a specified period of inactivity (Max Idle Time). If you have been disconnected due to inactivity, Connect on Demand enables the Router to automatically
Keep Alive If you select the Keep Alive option, the Router will keep the connection alive by sending out a few data packets periodically, so your ISP thinks that the connection is still active. This option keeps your connection active indefinitely, even when it sits idle. The default Redial Period is 30 seconds.
Click Save Settings to save your changes, or click Cancel Changes to undo them.
Heart Beat Signal
Heart Beat Signal is a service used in Australia only.
Heart Beat Signal
User Name and Password Enter your account’s User Name and Password. The maximum number of characters is 60.
Heart Beat Server Enter the IP address of the Heart Beat server.
Click Save Settings to save your changes, or click Cancel Changes to undo them.
Static IP is automatically selected. There are two different DMZ settings: Subnet and Range.
DMZ (Subnet)
Subnet To specify a subnet, select this option and configure the following:
•• Specify DMZ IP Address Enter the IP address of the computer connected to the DMZ port.
•• Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the computer connected to the DMZ port.
Click Save Settings to save your changes, or click Cancel Changes to undo them.
DMZ (Range)
Range If Range is selected, the DMZ port and the WAN port will be in the same subnet. To specify a range, select this option and configure the following:
•• IP Range for DMZ port Enter the starting and ending IP addresses.
Click Save Settings to save your changes, or click Cancel Changes to undo them.
Setup > Password
The Router’s default User Name and Password is admin, and Linksys strongly recommends that you change the Router’s password from the default to a unique password.
NOTE: The password cannot be recovered if it is lost or forgotten. If the password is lost or forgotten, you have to reset the Router to its factory default settings; this will remove all of your configuration changes.
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