To adjust the parallel tracking of the sanding belt:
1.Disconnect the sander from the power source!
2.Remove the dust port.
3.Remove the table by removing the lock han- dles, but keeping the L support brackets and elevation plate attached to the table as shown in Figure 39.
Figure 39. Table removed w/attached supports.
4.Remove the sanding belt.
5.Loosen the two cap screws (shown with black arrows in Figure 40) approximately half a turn, and notice the four setscrews nearby (shown with white arrows in Figure 40)—these control the parallel tracking of the sanding belt.
6.Thread in the necessary two of the four par- allel tracking setscrews approximately 1⁄4-1⁄2 a turn, as discussed below.
—If the low side of the belt was on the left end of the sander (as you are standing in front), then thread the two bottom setscrews into the plate (clockwise) and unthread (counter-clockwise) the two top setscrews out of the plate in the same amount of turns as the bottom setscrews.
—If the low side of the of the belt was on the right end of the sander (as you are stand- ing in front), then evenly thread the two top setscrews into the plate (clockwise) and evenly unthread (counter-clockwise) the two bottom setscrews out of the plate in the same amount of turns as the top setscrews.
7.Tighten the two cap screws shown in Figure 40.
8.Replace and track the belt with the tracking knob, so the side of the belt that is tracking higher (if it is) is even with the top of the graphite.
—If the lower side of the belt is less than 1⁄8" away from the top of the graphite, then you do not need to make further adjust- ments for parallel tracking.
—If the lower side of the belt is still more than 1⁄8" away from the top of the graphite, estimate how much the belt moved from when you originally checked it. Compare this movement with how much you turned the two setscrews in step 6, and then repeat steps 4-7, but adjust the setscrews discussed in step 6 the amount that you estimate will fix the par- allel tracking. Repeat as necessary until the parallel tracking is correct.
Figure 40. Idler roller adjustment screws.
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