3.Loosen the two cap screws, shown in Figure 44, approximately one full turn.
3.Loosen the two cap screws shown in Figure 45.
Figure 44. Idler roller adjustment cap screws.
4.Place a straightedge across the TOP part of the platen graphite and in front of the idler roller, and adjust the idler roller so that it is approximately 1⁄8" away from the straight- edge.
5.Place a straightedge across the BOTTOM part of the platen graphite and in front of the idler roller, and adjust the idler roller so that it is approximately 1⁄8" away from the straight- edge.
6.Check the adjustments made in steps 5-6, and tighten the cap screws that you loosened in step 3, making sure not to move the cor- rected idler roller position during tightening.
7.Replace the sanding belt and dust port, and retrack the sanding belt with the tracking knob before resuming sanding operations.
The platen can also be adjusted, but this adjust- ment should be done carefully because moving the platen too far will make the sanding belt press against the table.
To adjust the platen:
1.Disconnect the sander from the power source!
2.Remove the sanding belt and dust port.
Figure 45. The two cap screws that secure the
platen for adjustments.
4.Place a straightedge across the platen graphite and in front of the main roller.
5.Adjust the platen so the distance between the straightedge and main roller is approxi- mately 1⁄8".
6.Tighten both cap screws in an even manner and recheck the distance between the plat- en and the main roller to make sure that it did not move when you tightened the cap screws.
—If the platen did move, repeat steps 3-5 until it is positioned properly.
—If the platen did not move, then it is adjusted correctly. Proceed to step 7.
7.Replace the sanding belt and dust port, and retrack the sanding belt with the tracking knob before resuming sanding operations.
G0512 Edge Sander |