Spindle RPM
This shaper spindle can be run at 7,000 or 10,000 RPM. The speed is changed by the placement of the
Choose Spindle RPM:
Always follow cutter manufacturer recommendations; however, if not available use these general specifications to help select spindle and RPM. NOTE: Always use the largest spindle possible, and only use a one bushing at a time when reducing the cutter inside diameter.
•For shaper cutters smaller than 31⁄2" in diameter run the spindle at 10,000 RPM.
•For shaper cutters 31⁄2" and larger in diameter, run the spindle at 7,000 RPM.
To change the spindle RPM, do these steps:
2.Loosen the two spindle slide bolts that hold the motor mount plate to the spindle slide as shown in Figure 30. DO NOT remove the bolts completely.
3.Position the
4.Slide the motor and motor mount plate assembly until the
5.Tighten all fasteners securely.
6.Make sure the