Command Reference Guide
/TEST Test Network Parameters
Displays a menu which is used to test configuration of the Syslog and SNMP Trap functions and can also be used to invoke a Ping Command. For more information, please refer to Section 9.3 and 10.4.
•In order for the ping command to function with domain names, Domain Name Server parameters must be defined as described in Section 5.8.5.
•The Test Menu's Ping command is not effected by the status of the Network Parameters Menu's Ping Access function.
Availability: Supervisor Only.
Format: /TEST [Enter]
Response: Displays Syslog / SNMP Trap Test Menu.
/U | Save Parameters |
Sends RSM configuration parameters to an ASCII text file as described in Section 11.
Availability: Supervisor Only
Format: /U [Enter]
Response: The RSM will send a series of command lines.
/UF Upgrade Firmware
When new versions of the RSM firmware become available, this command is used to update existing firmware as described in Section 12. This command will only function at the Network Port and at Port One (the Setup Port.)
Availability: Supervisor Only
Format: /UF [Enter]
Response: The RSM will display a menu which offers the options to retain existing parameters, default parameters, or abort.
/UL Unlock Port (Invalid Access Lockout)
Manually overrides the RSM’s Invalid Access Lockout feature. Normally, when a user- defined number of unsuccessful password attempts are detected at a given port, the Invalid Access Lockout feature will shut down that port for a user specified time period in order to prevent further access attempts. When the /UL command is invoked, the RSM will immediately unlock all ports that are currently in the locked state.
Availability: Supervisor Only.
Format: /UL [Enter]
Response: The RSM will unlock all RSM RS232 Ports.