Nintendo POKMON MYSTERY DUNGEON:EXPLORERS OF TIME manual Friend Rescues, Steps

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Pokémon Mystery  Dungeon: Explorers of Time


You can pair up with another player with a Nintendo DS system nearby to go on Friend Rescue missions, trade items, and trade team data.

Establishing the DS Wireless Link (DS Wireless Play)

This section explains how to establish your wireless link for DS Wireless Play.

What You Will Need to Play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time:

Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite System

One for each player

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and/or


Explorers of Darkness Game Card

One for each player


1.Make sure that all Nintendo DS systems are turned off, then insert a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time or Explorers of Darkness Game Card into each system.

2.Turn all DS systems on. The DS Menu Screen will be displayed.

3.Tap the “Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time.”

4.Follow the instructions on page 21.

Communication Error

In certain situations, the message “There was a communication error” will be displayed. If so, please go back to the Wireless Menu and repeat the procedures for sending or receiving Mail, items, or team data. If there is a communication error with an A-OK Mail or Thank-You Mail, attached items will not be lost.

Friend Rescues

After you progress to a certain point in the story, you can ask to be rescued by another player if your team is defeated in a dungeon. If you are rescued, you won’t lose your money or items, and you will be able to resume your exploration from where you were defeated. The rescuing player can be thanked with a reward.

Seeking Rescue (Player Needing Help)

1.When you are defeated in a dungeon, the screen shown on the right will appear. Select “Yes,” then press the A Button.

* In some dungeons, you cannot send out for a friend rescue.

2.You will be automatically returned to the Top Menu. Select “Get Help” under the “Friend Rescue” command, then press the A Button.

3.Select “Wireless Comm.” under the “Send SOS Mail” command, then press the A Button. You can also select “Attach a Message” to include a brief message with your SOS Mail.

Text input mode: You can freely enter your message (P. 6).

Stock phrases: You can make your message using stock phrases.

4.Select and confirm the “Send SOS Mail” command to begin communication.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Time


Image 11
Contents Instruction Booklet Mode D’EMPLOI Important Legal Information Story Field Dungeon Text Entry Window ControlsControlling with the Touch Screen Game Screen in the Field Description of Commands FieldGame Screen in a Dungeon Items Moves Description of Commands DungeonsSwitch the moves of team members smartly Rest Advancing Through the RanksGround Job Bulletin Board Outlaw Notice BoardPrevious floor. Also, if you spend too much time on How to Check the Dungeon MapFeatures of Mystery Dungeons What the Various Modes Can DoSteps Text input mode You can freely enter your message PStock phrases You can make your message using stock phrases Friend RescuesSending and Receiving A-OK Mail Going on a Friend Rescue Player HelpingTrade Team Wonder MailTrade Items Setting up Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Friend Codes Mail SettingsCheck your mobile phone, PC, or Nintendo’s Wii for it Enter the Registration CodeMail Address Security Example w1234567890123456@wii.comChecking the E-mail Address Setting E-mail ReceptionAt the Top Menu, select and confirm Wonder Mail Haven’t exchanged and registered friend codesBe sure to show your appreciation to your rescuer First team will be deletedTerms of USE Agreement Terms of USE AgreementWarranty & Service Information Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time Renseignements légaux importants ’HISTOIRE DONJon Commandes DE Fenêtre D’ENTRÉE DE TexteTaper UN Membre DE L’ÉQUIPE Contrôle Avec L’ÉCRAN TactileTaper UN Ennemi Dans UN Donjon Équipe Description DES Commandes TerrainÉcran DE JEU SUR LE Terrain ObjetsVentre Belly Écran DE JEU Dans UN DonjonAUTREs Mouvements Description DES Commandes DonjonsCommandES Communes Repos Rest Augmenter LES ClassementsAutres Babillard DE MissionsQuand vous aurez atteint un certain niveau dans l’histoire Propriétés DES Donjons MystèresComment Consulter LA Carte DU Donjon Vous retournerez automatiquement au Menu haut. Sélectionnez SAUVETAGES AMIÉTAPEs Envoi ET Réception DE Courrier A-OK Point de sauvetageDirectement au Kangaskhan Storage du récipiendaire Échanger DES Objets Trade ItemsÉchanger UNE Équipe Trade Team Annulation D’UN SauvetageSi vous changez la combinaison de votre système DS et de Réglage DE LA Connexion WI-FI NintendoVotre propre code ami Codes AMIEnregistrement SUR Votre Liste D’AMIS Gérance DE Votre Liste D’AMISMenu Wii Entrer le Code d’enregistrementSécurité d’adresse de courriel Exemple w1234567890123456@wii.comEn route pour un sauvetage ami Joueur aidant Sauvetages AMIVérification de l’adresse de courriel Réglage de la réception de courrielsSpéciales qui ne sont habituellement pas offertes Courrier Émerveillement Wonder MailLe Pokémon aide et L’OBJET Cadeau Termes D’ENTENTE D’UTILISATION suite Termes D’ENTENTE D’UTILISATIONRenseignements sur l’entretien et la garantie