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Contacting Customer Support
If you have questions, either general ones regarding how your printer works or specific ones regarding a problem you’re having, you have several possibilities for getting the answers.
Troubleshooting using the Toolbox
If you have a specific problem, the quickest way to find a solution might be right at your fingertips. Check the online troubleshooting feature, located in the HP Toolbox (see page 52 to find out how to get to the Toolbox). If the suggestions in the Toolbox don’t solve your problem, you still have many options, as described next.
Electronic support information
If you have a modem connected to your computer and subscribe to an online service or have direct access to the Internet, you can obtain a wide variety of information about your printer.
User forums
You can get friendly help from knowledgeable users and system operators in the CompuServe and America Online user forums. In the user forums, you can leave your question and check back later for ideas and solutions suggested by other users. You can read through old messages left by other users to see if anyone else has had a problem similar to yours, and has provided the solution online.
Also, both forums keep a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked
Questions) which you can peruse for hints.
CompuServe: Go to the HP Peripherals forum (Go HPPER). To subscribe to CompuServe, in the U.S. call
America Online: Access the HP forum. Click “keyword” on the “Go To” menu, type “HP”, and press the Enter key to bring the HP forum home page directly to your screen.
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