Working with the M111
IP address configuration
There are several solutions to this problem:
Assign a static IP address to the M111 as explained in the next section To configure IP addressing. The address must be on the same subnet as the MSM AP to which the M111 will connect.
Define a management IP address. See To assign a management address on page
The M111 provides MAC address translation for all devices connected to Port 1 as their traffic is forwarded across the wireless link. This enables up to 20 Ethernet devices to share the wireless link, yet at the same time have their own unique IP addresses.
To configure IP addressing
1. Select Network > Ports.
2.Select Bridge port in the table.
3.Under Assign IP address via, select the option you want to use, and select Configure.
4.Specify your settings and select Save, and then from the Bridge configuration page select Save again.