•R830 series: Repeat these steps, if necessary, to correct additional blemishes.
•R840 series: You can correct a single blemish at a time. To correct additional blemishes, repeat the entire procedure.
3.Slimming and Brightness/Contrast: Press to select the enhancement and display the effect's menu.
Follow the
4.Once all corrections are made, press again to save the changes, create a new file, and return to the
Design Gallery Menu. Press
to exit without saving and return to the
Enhance Photos menu.
Modifying colors
TIP: If you plan to apply artistic effects, modify colors, or enhance photos, do so before adding a border.
Modify Color allows you to apply color schemes to the displayed image. To modify colors:
1.Use to select
Modify Color, then press
2.Use to select a color scheme and preview the effect it has on the image.
•Black &
3.Press to select the color scheme and display the
Modify Color menu. Follow the
4.Press to save a copy of the image with the specified color scheme and return to the
Design Gallery Menu. Press
to exit without saving and return to the
Modify Color menu.
Adding borders
TIP: If you need to crop an image, do so before adding borders, applying artistic effects, or enhancing photos. If you plan to apply artistic effects, modify colors, or enhance photos, do so before adding a border.
Add Borders allows you to add one or more predefined borders to the displayed image. To add a border:
1.Use to select
Add Borders, then press
2.Use to select a border type and preview the effect it has on the image.
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