York DR150 manual 7.5-12.5Ton York Model Number Nomenclature, D R 090 N10 A 2 A AA 3 0 1 2 4 A

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7.5-12.5 Ton York® Model Number Nomenclature

D R 090 N10 A 2 A AA 3 0 1 2 4 A

Product Category

D = A/C, Single Pkg., R-22

Product Identifier


Nominal Cooling Capacity

090 = 7.5 Ton

120 = 10.0 Ton

150 = 12.5 Ton

Heat Type and Nominal Heat Capacity

C00 = Cooling Only. No heat installed

Gas Heat Options

N10 = 100 MBH Output Aluminized Steel

N15 = 150 MBH Output Aluminized Steel

N20 = 200 MBH Output Aluminized Steel

S10 = 100 MBH Output Stainless Steel

S15 = 150 MBH Output Stainless Steel

S20 = 200 MBH Output Stainless Steel

Electric Heat Options

E09 = 9 KW

E18 = 18 KW

E24 = 24 KW

E36 = 36 KW

E54 = 54 KW


A = Std. Motor

B = Std. Motor/Econo./Barometric Relief (Downflow


C = Std. Motor/Econo./Power Exhaust (Downflow Only)

D = Std. Motor/Motorized Damper (Downflow Only)

E = Std. Motor/Horizontal Economizer (No Baro.)

F = Std. Motor/Slab Econo./Power Exhaust

(Downflow Only)

G = Std. Motor/Slab Econo./Barometric Relief

(Downflow Only)

N = Hi Static Mtr.

P = Hi Static Mtr./Econo./Barometric Relief

(Downflow Only)

Q = Hi Static Mtr./Econo./Power Exhaust

(Downflow Only)

R = Hi Static Mtr./Motorized Damper (Downflow Only)

S = Hi Static Mtr./Horizontal Economizer (No Baro.)

T = Hi Static Mtr./Slab Econo./Power Exhaust

(Downflow Only)

U = Hi Static Mtr./Slab Econo./Barometric Relief

(Downflow only)


2 = 208/230-3-60

4 = 460-3-60

5 = 575-3-60

Product Style

A = Style A

B = Style B

C = Style C

Configuration Options (not required for all units)

These four digits will not be assigned until a quote is requested, or an order placed.

SS Drain Pan

CPC Controller, DFS, APS

Johnson Controller, DFS, APS

Honeywell Controller, DFS, APS

Novar Controller, DFS, APS

Simplicity IntelliComfort Controller

Simplicity IntelliComfort Controller w/ModLinc

2" Pleated filters

BAS Ready Unit with Belimo Economizer

Shipping Bag

Any Combination of Additional Options that Don’t Have an Option Code Pre-assigned



Product Generation








= Third Generation




= Fourth Generation













Additional Options

AA = None

RC = Coil Guard, Shipping Bag & American Flag

AB = Phase Monitor

TA = Technicoat Condenser Coil

AC = Coil Guard

TJ = Technicoat Evaporator Coil

AD = Dirty Filter Switch

TS = Technicoat Evaporator & Condenser Coils

AE = Phase Monitor & Coil Guard


AF = Phase Monitor & Dirty Filter Switch


AG = Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch


AH = Phase Monitor, Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch




ZZ= If desired option combination is not listed above, ZZ will be assigned and configuration options will be located in digits 15-18.

Installation Options

A = No Options Installed

B = Option 1

C = Option 2

D = Options 1 & 2

E = Option 3

F = Option 4

G = Options 1 & 3

H = Options 1 & 4

J = Options 1, 2 & 3

K = Options 1, 2, & 4

L = Options 1,3 & 4

M = Options 1, 2, 3, & 4

N = Options 2 & 3

P = Options 2 & 4

Q = Options 2, 3, & 4

R = Options 3 & 4

S = Option 5

T = Options 1 & 5

U = Options 1, 3, & 5

V = Options 1, 4, & 5

W = Options 1, 3, 4, & 5

X = Options 3 & 5

Y = Options 4 & 5

Z = Options 3, 4 & 5


1 = Disconnect

2= Non-Pwr'd Conv. Outlet

3 = Smoke Detector S.A.

4 = Smoke Detector R.A.

5 = Pwr'd Conv. Outlet


Unitary Products Group

Image 14
Contents TECHNICAL MagnaDRYDESCRIPTION GUIDELIST OF TABLES TABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF FIGURES 246721-YTG-C-0606246721-YTG-C-0606 16 ELECTRICAL DATA DR150 W/PWRDFIGURE 1 - PREDATOR MagnaDRY DR090 246721-YTG-C-0606246721-YTG-C-0606 FEATURESFIGURE 2 - PREDATOR MagnaDRY DR150 FACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONS 246721-YTG-C-0606246721-YTG-C-0606 Unitary Products GroupFIELD INSTALLED ACCESSORIES 246721-YTG-C-0606REHEAT MODE SEQUENCE OF OPERATION 246721-YTG-C-0606246721-YTG-C-0606 FIGURE 3 - REHEAT CONTROL BOARDALTERNATE” MODE Unitary Products Group FIGURE 4 - DR090 & 120 REHEAT CONTROLS246721-YTG-C-0606 FIGURE 5 - DR150 REHEAT CONTROLS 246721-YTG-C-0606TABLE 1 ACCESSORIES 246721-YTG-C-0606D R 090 N10 A 2 A AA 3 0 1 2 4 A NOMENCLATURE7.5-12.5Ton York Model Number Nomenclature 246721-YTG-C-0606TABLE 2 PHYSICAL DATA 246721-YTG-C-0606TABLE 4 UNIT VOLTAGE LIMITATIONS POWER RATINGTABLE 3 DR CAPACITY RATINGS 246721-YTG-C-0606Unitary Products Group TABLE 5 COOLING CAPACITY DR090 UNIT246721-YTG-C-0606 246721-YTG-C-0606 Air On Evap. CoilUnitary Products Group TABLE 7 COOLING CAPACITY DR120 UNIT246721-YTG-C-0606 246721-YTG-C-0606 Air On EvapUnitary Products Group TABLE 9 COOLING CAPACITY DR150 UNIT246721-YTG-C-0606 246721-YTG-C-0606 10.7indoor dry bulb / wet bulb conditions FIGURE 9 - DR120 MOISTURE REMOVAL - NORMAL MODE 246721-YTG-C-0606DR150 Moisture Removal @ 5000cfm Compressors Unitary Products Group TABLE 17 ELECTRIC HEAT MULTIPLIERS 246721-YTG-C-0606 DR 090 Standard Drive Assembly Side FlowTABLE 18 BLOWER PERFORMANCE DR090 SIDEFLOW 100% Return Economizer DR 090 Optional Drive Assembly Side Flow246721-YTG-C-0606 TABLE 20 BLOWER PERFORMANCE DR090 DOWNFLOW DR 090 Standard Drive Assembly Down FlowDR 090 Optional Drive Assembly Down Flow 246721-YTG-C-0606DR 090 Standard Drive Assembly Down Flow 246721-YTG-C-0606Unitary Products Group TABLE 22 BLOWER PERFORMANCE DR120 SIDEFLOW246721-YTG-C-0606 Volumetric DR120 Standard Drive Assembly Side FlowVolumetric 246721-YTG-C-0606Unitary Products Group TABLE 24 BLOWER PERFORMANCE DR120 DOWNFLOW246721-YTG-C-0606 246721-YTG-C-0606 DR 120 Standard Drive Assembly Down FlowDR 120 Optional Drive Assembly Down Flow 100% Return EconomizerTABLE 26 BLOWER PERFORMANCE DR150 SIDEFLOW DR150 Standard Drive Assembly Side FlowDR150 Optional Drive Assembly Side Flow 246721-YTG-C-0606100% Return Economizer DR150 Optional Drive Assembly Side Flow246721-YTG-C-0606 Unitary Products Group TABLE 28 BLOWER PERFORMANCE DR150 DOWNFLOW246721-YTG-C-0606 246721-YTG-C-0606 100% Return EconomizerTABLE 30 ADDITIONAL STATIC RESISTANCE TABLE 32 INDOOR BLOWER SPECIFICATIONSTABLE 33 POWER EXHAUST SPECIFICATIONS TABLE 31 ELECTRIC HEAT MINIMUM SUPPLY AIR CFMFIGURE 12 - DR090, 120 UNITS 4 POINT LOAD 246721-YTG-C-0606 TABLE 36 UNIT WEIGHTFIGURE 18 - DR090/120 UNIT DIMENSIONS See Detail ADETAIL B FIGURE 19 - DR150 UNIT DIMENSIONSDETAIL A TABLE 37 UNIT CLEARANCES246721-YTG-C-0606 RIGHTFRONT 8or14 2TYP18-1/4 18-1/45-5/3231-11/162-31/32 246721-YTG-C-0606246721-YTG-C-0606 FIGURE 24 - DR150 REAR DUCT DIMENSIONSFIGURE 25 - DOWNFLOW ECONOMIZER HOOD DETAIL Dot Plugs 18-1/4 Return Air28-1/4 Supply Air246721-YTG-C-0606 FIGURE 26 - DOWNFLOW ECONOMIZER HOOD DETAILTABLE 38 ECONOMIZER USAGE Unitary Products Group FIGURE 27 - FACTORY INSTALLED DOWNFLOW ECONOMIZER246721-YTG-C-0606 2EE04705524 Return Air Damper Field Installed 246721-YTG-C-0606 1EH0409 Fresh Air Hood Field Installed Duct WorkPower Exhaust 2EE04705X24 Slab Economizer 1EH0409TYPICAL THERMOSTAT RC RH Y1 Y2 G W1 W2 C FIGURE 32 - TYPICAL LOW VOLTAGE FIELD WIRING246721-YTG-C-0606 R Y1 Y2 RCB GREHEAT CONTROL W1 BOARD W2 OCC CUnitary Products Group SUPPLIED DISCONNECT GROUND LUG THREE PHASE POWERTHREE PHASE POWER SUPPLY TERMINAL BLOCK TB1 FACTORY OR FIELD246721-YTG-C-0606 246721-YTG-C-0606 Unitary Products Group246721-YTG-C-0606 246721-YTG-C-0606 Unitary Products Group246721-YTG-C-0606 246721-YTG-C-0606 Unitary Products GroupFIGURE 41 - DR090 AND 120 REHEAT WIRING DIAGRAM 246721-YTG-C-0606Unitary Products Group FIGURE 42 - DR150 REHEAT WIRING DIAGRAM246721-YTG-C-0606 GENERAL GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSPREDATOR MagnaDRY DR DESCRIPTIONGAS HEATING SECTION IF EQUIPPED UNIT OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS246721-YTG-C-0606 ELECTRIC HEATING SECTION IF EQUIPPEDADDITIONAL FACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONS