Ski IA-64 Simulator Reference Manual 1.0L
Reserved register/field fault
screen size is %dx%d -- minimum is %dx%d
ski uses the curses package to create a
Starting address > ending address
You used the dd or pd command to dump data or program code to a file but the starting address you passed is greater than the ending address. Perhaps you have them reversed? Are you are using symbolic addresses that don’t bind to the locations you think they bind to? See “Program Window Commands” on page
Stopping at %s due to IA-32 halt instruction
Stopping at %s due to reserved IA-32 instruction
An attempt was made to execute an
Stopping at %s due to unimplemented IA-32 instruction
An attempt was made to execute an
Stopping at %s due to unimplemented instruction
Your program tried to execute an
Symbol ‘%s’ not found
You referred to a symbol that Ski doesn’t know about. Did you spell the symbol correctly, with leading underscores as needed? Is the symbol a C++ mangled name? Have you loaded the right program? See the section “Argument Specification” on page
%s: Too many arguments (> %d)
You passed too many operands with a Ski command. Ski’s internal parser can handle a maximum number of argu- ments (currently 64) and you tried to pass more than that number. This could happen with the =1, =2, =4, and =8 assignment commands, the eval and if commands, and the load and iaload program loading commands. See “Changing Registers and Memory with Assignment Commands” on page
Too many commands in a line (> %d)
You can type multiple commands on a line by separating them with semicolons. But there’s a limit, as shown, to the number of commands you can do this to... and you exceeded it. See “Command Sequences, Repetition, and Abbrevi- ation” on page
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