HP 1220 Fax manual Index

Page 77

HP Fax 1200 Series

detect old fax machines 28 distinctive ringing 29 enter text 58

Error Correction Mode (ECM) 26 fax-back features 27

forward faxes 28 in color 20 introduction 19 load originals 5 manual reports 23 other configurations 59 poll another machine 28 print reports 22 receive manually 22

redial busy or unanswered number 24 reports - print 22

reprint faxes stored in memory 30 restore default settings 30

rings to answer 58 save numbers 24 schedule send 21 send 20

send fax to multiple recipients 21 set automatic reduction 27

set the header 57 set time and date 57 set up speed dialing 24

fax-back features 27 forward faxes 28 front panel

button descriptions 1 copy from 14 language - change 39

front-panel messages 41


group speed-dial settings create 25

edit 26


help - access 3

HP Customer Support 61 HP Distribution Center 63 HP papers - tips on loading 9


individual speed-dial settings - create 25 initiate

copy 14 fax 20

input tray - load paper 7 introduction

copy 13 fax 19


jam - clear 41


language - change for front panel 39 legal-size original - copy 18 legal-size paper - tips on loading 9 lighten - copy 15


originals 11

paper or transparency film 5 tips 9

log - error codes 44


maintain the unit 31 margins - print 66 messages

change front-panel language 39 front-panel 41

multiple recipients create groups 25 send fax to 21


Normal copy quality 14

number of copies - set in copy 16


off-hook dialing 24 order print cartridges 67 overview

copy 13 fax 19



avoid jam 11

change default size for copy or fax 10 HP 5

jam 41 load 7 recommended choices 5 recommended for copying 6 tips on loading 9

paper size - change for copy or fax 10 paper type - set 10

paper-type settings for copy 10 phone numbers - support services 61 Photo Mode 17

photos - copy 17 poll a fax machine 28 Power Save Mode time 40 print



Image 77
Contents HP Fax 1200 Series 1RWLFH Rqwhqwv Contents Contents Iii HP Fax 1200 Series 5HYLHZ\RXUXQLW¶VIURQWSDQHO Following shows the right side of the front panel Hwkhos Get help +3 Sdshuv 5HYLHZUHFRPPHQGHGSDSHUFKRLFHV5HFRPPHQGHGSDSHUFKRLFHVIRUFRS\LQJ RDGWKHLQSXWWUD\ZLWKOHWWHUOHJDORU$VLHSDSHU HP Fax 1200 Series Paper Tips 5HYLHZWLSVIRUORDGLQJVSHFLILFW\SHVRISDSHUKdqjhwkhsdshuvlh 6HWWKHSDSHUW\SH5HFRPPHQGHGSDSHUW\SHVHWWLQJVIRUFRS\LQJ For Use$YRLGSDSHUMDPV RdgruljlqdovHP Fax 1200 Series 8VHWKHFRS\IHDWXUHV QFUHDVHFRS\VSHHGRUTXDOLW\ 0DNHFRSLHVPress Start Copy Press Enter to select Copy QualityLJKWHQRUGDUNHQDFRS\ 5HGXFHRUHQODUJHDFRS\Press Enter to select Reduce/Enlarge Press Lighter/Darker6HWWKHQXPEHURIFRSLHV QkdqfhwhwKDQJHVHWWLQJVIRUDOOIXWXUHFRS\MREV To turn Text Enhancements offRS\DSKRWR 3HUIRUPVSHFLDOFRS\MREV5HVWRUHWKHIDFWRU\GHIDXOWFRS\VHWWLQJV RS\OHJDOVLHRULJLQDOV 6WRSFRS\LQJ3UHSDUHDFRORU7VKLUWWUDQVIHU 8VHWKHIDIHDWXUHV 6HQGDID QdeohidfrqilupdwlrqPress until Print Report Send Only appears Press Start FAX, Black or ColorDqfhodvfkhgxohgid Urdgfdvwdidwrpxowlsohuhflslhqwv6HQGDIDODWHU 5HFHLYHDID After 1Automatic Reports Setup appears, press Enter3ULQWUHSRUWV 5HFHLYHDIDPDQXDOO\Rqwurokrzidhvorrnzkhqvhqwwrduhflslhqw Press ResolutionHqhudwhpdqxdouhsruwv Kdqjhuhvroxwlrq6HWXSVSHHGGLDOLQJ 5HGLDODEXV\RUXQDQVZHUHGQXPEHUDXWRPDWLFDOO\Kdqjhfrqwudvw 8VHRIIKRRNGLDOLQJWRXVHDFUHGLWRUFDOOLQJFDUGUhdwhjurxsvshhggldovhwwlqjv UhdwhlqglylgxdovshhggldovhwwlqjvHohwhvshhggldovhwwlqjv 8VHUURU&RUUHFWLRQ0RGH&0$GGRUUHPRYHUHFLSLHQWVIURPJURXSV 8VHIDEDFNIHDWXUHV 6HWDXWRPDWLFUHGXFWLRQ$GMXVWVRXQGYROXPH RuzdugidhvwrdqrwkhuqxpehuKDQJHWKH$QVZHU5LQJ3DWWHUQGLVWLQFWLYHULQJLQJ 5HSULQWWKHIDHVLQPHPRU\ 5HVWRUHWKHIDFWRU\GHIDXOWVHWWLQJV3ULQWD6HOI7HVW5HSRUW Ohdqwkhhwhulrufdvh5HSODFHWKHEODFNSULQWFDUWULGJH RunzlwksulqwfduwulgjhvDo not touch the gold-colored contacts HP Fax 1200 Series 5HSODFHWKHFRORUSULQWFDUWULGJH HP Fax 1200 Series HP Fax 1200 Series Ohdqwkhsulqwfduwulgjhfrqwdfwv $OLJQWKHSULQWFDUWULGJHVOhdqwkhsulqwfduwulgjhv KDQJHWKHIURQWSDQHOFRXQWU\RUODQJXDJH KDQJHWKH3RZHU6DYH0RGHWLPH Message What You Should Do OhdudsdshumdpUrqwsdqhophvvdjhv Error . Turn power off Then Start Speed-dial number, and then press Start GHQWLI\HUURUFRGHVRQWKH/RJ Error Code Error Definition321 $GGLWLRQDOWURXEOHVKRRWLQJWLSV Issue What You Should DoConnection may affect transmission speed Set the Rings to Answer setting Am having problems Cannot receive a fax on my Incoming calls are not being To use the HP Fax Guides do not inhibit how the paper moves Did each page of your original get picked up from Is your original positioned correctly? Check Tape from the nozzles on both cartridges 6HWWKHIDKHDGHU 6HWEDVLFIDVHWWLQJVXVLQJWKHIURQWSDQHO6HWWKHGDWHDQGWLPH 6HWWKH5LQJVWR$QVZHUVHWWLQJ Qwhuwhw6HWWKHDQVZHUPRGH 8VHYRLFHPDLO 8VHRWKHUFRQILJXUDWLRQVZLWK\RXUIDIHDWXUHVKhfnirugldowrqh HP Fax 1200 Series Use Hewlett-Packard’s support services 7HFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQ 0DUJLQV 3K\VLFDOVSHFLILFDWLRQV 5HJXODWRU\LQIRUPDWLRQ 1RWLFHWRXVHUVRIWKH&DQDGLDQWHOHSKRQHQHWZRUN 1RWLFHWRXVHUVRIWKH.RUHDQWHOHSKRQHQHWZRUN HFODUDWLRQRI&RQIRUPLW\ HP Fax 1200 Series QGH Index Regulatory information 68 replace HP Fax 1200 Series 6HWXS C8461-90231
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