Tefal FV3535E0, FV3535C0 manual If there is a problem?, Problem Possible Cause Solution

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If there is a problem?


















Water drips from the

The chosen temperature is too

Position the thermostat in the steam range

holes in the soleplate.

low and does not allow for the

(from •• to MAX).



formation of steam.



You are using steam while the iron

Wait until the thermostat light goes out.




is not hot enough.



You are using the Shot of Steam

Wait a few seconds between each use of the


button too often.




There is too much steam.

Reduce the steam.




You have stored the iron horizon-

See the section "Storing your iron".



tally, without emptying it and



without setting it to .






The iron drips

You have removed the anti-scale

Do not extract the anticalc valve when filling

when you start ironing.

rod to fill your iron.

the iron.






Brown streaks come

You are using chemical descaling

Do not add any descaling agents to the water

through the holes in the


in the water tank.


soleplate and stain the

You are not using the right type of

Perform a self-cleaning operation and consult



the chapter "What water should I use?".






Fabric fibres have accumulated in

Perform the self-cleaning operation and clean


the holes of the soleplate and are

the soleplate with a damp sponge. Vacuum




the holes of the soleplate from time to time.


Your linen has not been rinsed

Make sure that your laundry is rinsed



sufficiently or you have ironed a

sufficiently so as to remove any deposits of


new garment before washing it.

soap or chemical products on new clothes.






The soleplate is dirty or


Your are ironing with an inappro-

Clean the soleplate as indicated above. Select

brown and can stain the


priate program (temperature too

the appropriate program.













You are using starch.

Clean the soleplate as indicated above.





Always spray starch onto the reverse side of




the fabric to be ironed.






There is little or no


The water tank is empty.

Fill it.





The anti-calc valve is dirty.

Clean the anti-calc valve.




Your iron has a build-up of scale.

Clean the anti-calc valve and carry out a self-








Your iron has been used dry for too

Carry out a self-clean.










The soleplate is scrat-

You have placed your iron flat on a

Always set your iron on its heel.


ched or damaged.

metallic rest-plate or ironed over a

Do not iron over zips.










Steam or water come

The steam control is not set to the

Check that the steam control is set to the

from the iron as you





finish filling the tank.



The water tank is overfilled.

Never exceeed the Max level.






The spray does not


The water tank is not filled enough.

Fill up th water tank.










If you have any problem or queries, please contact our


Customer Relations team first for expert help and advice.




0845 602 1454 - UK / (01) 677 4003 - ROI






or consult our website - www.tefal.co.uk






Image 20
Contents Page FIN SLO EST RUS Page Page First use 1314 Water tank filling Temperature setting RUS Установка температуры Steam setting Spray SEC Iron storage No OK Стержня 1 раз в месяц Self-cleaning once a month Self-cleaning once a month Soleplate cleaning For your safety EnvironmentWhat water to use? Types of water not to use?If there is a problem? Problem Possible Cause SolutionIf you have any problem or queries, please contact our Customer Relations team first for expert help and adviceFür Ihre Sicherheit UmweltWelches Wasser ist zu verwenden ? Welches Wasser darf nicht verwendet werden ?Ein Problem mit ihrem Bügelautomaten ? Pour votre sécurité EnvironnementQuelle eau utiliser ? Quelles eaux éviter ?Un problème avec votre fer ? Veiligheidsadviezen MilieuWelk water kunt u gebruiken? Welk soort water mag u niet gebruiken?Problemen met uw strijkijzer ? Per la vostra sicurezza AmbienteQuale tipo di acqua utilizzare ? Quale tipo di acqua si deve evitare ?’acqua fuoriesce dai La temperatura scelta non Pulite la piastra come indicatoPara su seguridad Medio ambiente¿Qué agua hay que utilizar? ¿Qué agua hay que evitar?Problemas Causas Posibles Soluciones Para sua segurança Meio ambienteQue tipo de água utilizar? Que tipo de água evitar?Fibras queimadas da roupa Da base de vez em quando Roupa não foi correctamenteEnxaguada ou engomou roupa Avesso do lado a engomarSikkerhedsregler MiljøbeskyttelseHvilken slags vand skal der bruges ? Hvilken slags vand bør ikke benyttes ?Problemer med strygejernet ? Problem Mulig Årsag LøsningSikkerhetsregler MiljøHva slags vann kan brukes? Hva slags vann kan ikke brukes?Eventuelle problemer og løsninger Problemer Mulige Årsaker LøsningerSäkerhetsanvisningar MiljöVilket vatten bör användas? Vilket vatten bör undvikas?Problem Möjliga Orsaker Lösningar MAXTurvallisuusohjeita YmpäristöMitä vettä tulisi käyttää? Mitä vesiä ei tulisi käyttää?Ongelmatilanteet Ongelma Mahdollisia Syitä Ratkaisu· ÙËÓ ·ÛÊ¿ÏÂÈ· Û·˜ ∆È ÓÂÚfi Ó· ¯ÚËÛÈÌÔÔÈ›ÙÂ?∆È ÓÂÚfi Ó· ·ÔʇÁÂÙÂ? ¢È·‚¿ÛÙ ÚÔÛÂÎÙÈο Î·È Ê˘Ï¿ÍÙ ·˘Ù¤˜ ÙȘ Ô‰ËÁ›Â˜ ¯Ú‹Û˘¶Úfi‚ÏËÌ· Ì ÙÔ Û›‰ÂÚfi Û·˜ ? Bezpeãnostní pokyny Îivotní prostfiedíJakou vodu pouÏívat? Jakou vodu nepouÏívat?MoÏné problémy? Biztonsági intézkedések KörnyezetvédelemMilyen vizet használjon? Milyen vizet kell kerülni?Tól MAX-ig Bezpeãnostné pokyny Îivotné prostredieAkú vodu pouÏívaÈ? Akú vodu nepouÏívaÈ?Nepridávajte do vody v nádrÏke Ïiadny Kapitoly „ Akú vodu treba pouÏívaÈ?Vlákna z prádla sa nahromadili Plochu vlhkou ‰pongiouSigurnosne upute Okoli‰Koju vodu rabiti? Koje vode izbjegavati?Porblem s va‰im glaãalom? Za va‰o varnost OkoljeKatero vodo uporabiti? Kateri vrsti vode se izogibati?TeÏave z likalnikom? Teîave Moîni Vzroki RE·ITVEPentru siguran-a dumneavoastrã MediuCe tip de apã se utilizeazã? Ce tip de apã trebuie evitat?Probleme cu fierul dvs. de cãlcat? Probleme Cauze Posibile SOLU‰IIBezbednosna uputstva Îivotna sredinaKakvu vodu koristiti? Koje vrste vode treba izbegavati?RE·ENJA Moguçi problemi sa peglomProblemi За Вашата безопасност Околна средаКаква вода да се използва? Каква вода да се избягва?Евентуални проблеми с ютията? Проблем Възможна Причина РешениеZasady bezpieczeƒstwa ÂrodowiskoJakiej wody nale˝y u˝ywaç? Jakiej wody nale˝y unikaç?Razie wystàpienia problemów Güvenli¤iniz için ÇevreHangi sular kullan›labilir? Hangi sular kullan›lamaz?Ütü ile ilgili olas› ar›zalar Taban deliklerinden›v› ak›yor ve giysiyi Kullan›yorsunuz Eklemeyin Lekeliyor Çamafl›r kolas›n› daima kumafl›n arkaGARANT‹ BELGES‹ GARANT‹ fiARTLARIGroupe SEB ‹stanbul Ev Aletleri Tic.A.fi 12/06/200852775 YılДля вашої безпеки Навколишнє середовищеЯку воду використовувати? Яку воду не можна використовувати?Можливі несправності? Ймовiрнi випадки РекомендацiїTeie ohutuse huvides KeskkondMillist vett kasutada? Keskkonna kaitsmineProbleem teie triikrauaga? su Dro‰¥bai VideKÇdu deni izmantot? KÇdu deni neizmantot?Pamatnes caurumiem Tvaika caurplde ir pÇrÇk lielaNeiztuk‰ojot to un nenovietojot Gludekļa uzpildes laikā izņemtss˜ saugumui AplinkaKok∞ vanden∞ naudoti? Saugokime aplinkàProblema su Js˜ lygintuvu? Какую воду нельзя использовать? Для вашей безопасностиКакую воду использовать? Охрана окружающей среды Возможные неполадкиНе загрязняйте окружающую среду ‹ Отдайте его в пункт сбора вторсырьяАЯ46 FIN SLO EST
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