Therma-Tru Fiber-Classic, Smooth-Star manual Interior Casing Attachment

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Interior casing may be attached to the frame in either of the following ways:

An air nailer can be used to fasten the interior casing to the frame using 0.050" x 1-½" wire brad nails through the casing and fiberglass frame. For maximum holding power, ensure that nails are installed through anchor blocks located within frame profiles. Locations are shown below for standard two-panel systems.

For manual application, we suggest using 4d-1-½" finish nails. They can be used to secure interior casing to the frame. Pre-drilled pilot holes (1/16" dia.) are recommended to avoid splitting casing or frame. Ensure that nails are installed through anchor blocks for maximum holding power.

6 1/4”




6 1/4”








Image 21 Therma-Tru Fiber-Classic, Smooth-Star manual Interior Casing Attachment
Contents Double Unit Assembly & Installation Screen sold separately Active Panel Inactive Panel Screw Chart If APPLICABLE, Install TOP-HUNG Screen Track Install Sill CAP BaseLAY Frame Components Onto Work Area Attach Head to Jambs Attach Sill to JambsApply Corner Pads to Sealing FIN Drip CAP InstallationFrame Installation SET Unit Into Rough Opening Apply Silicone Sealant to Sill and FinsPlumb Side Jambs Level SillApply Sealant to Inactive Door Riser Secure Frame in Rough OpeningInstall Anchor Blocks Install Stationary PanelAdjust Rollers Install Active PanelAttach Inactive Interlock Install Active InterlockHandle Installation Insert Panel BumperAttach Strike Plate Install Sill CAP TOP Prep Door for Foot BoltAttach Foot Bolt Insert Plugs Install Foot Bolt KeeperAttach Jamb Cover Sliding Screen DoorActive panel edge Dia holes 1 deep Towards Page Finishing Instructions Jamb Extension Information WEATHERPROOF, Finish and MaintainInterior Casing Attachment Sizing Information Door Handing Guide Patiodoorsystems