Theory of Operation | Model 6750 |
TOC analysis in a continuous, on-line TOC analyzer.
The CO2 generated by the oxidation of carbon in the reactor is read by the NDIR as a percentage concentration of the CO2 in the carrier gas.
CO2 (TOC) + Carrier
Any increase or decrease of the carrier flow rate will have a corresponding inverse effect on TOC reported value, (eg. double the carrier flow rate, reported TOC will approximate ½ of actual sample TOC concentration).
The Model 6750 uses a
The inorganic carbon removal system (sparger) flow rate is controlled by needle valves (V1 & V2) set at the factory. The operator will note bubbles through the liquids in the sparger, which is stripping the CO2 converted from the carbonates to eliminate the potential interference from inorganic carbon in TOC analysis.
The carrier gas directs the CO2 and other products of oxidation from the reactor to the Gas/Liquid Separator (GLS), where liquid waste is directed to drain and gases containing CO2 and other gaseous products of oxidation are directed to the CO2 specific NDIR. The CO2 concentration is directly related to sample TOC concentration and is reported accordingly.
2.4.2Inorganic Carbon Removal/Analysis
The choice of either TOC
The sparger used in the Model 6750 is a gas/liquid
Teledyne Analytical Instruments | 14 |