(1)The primary air pressure control section (with the shutoff valve) is connected to the air compressor or the compressed air source as specified in the Designer produced drawings. See Figure 12 Primary Air Pressure Control Section.
(1)The primary water pressure control section connects the main water supply. The shutoff valve end of section is the inlet. The gauge end of the section is joined to the water inlet of the vacuum valve for AFE systems. See Figure 13 Primary Water Pressure Control Section.
(1)Bolt the panel directly to the surface through the mounting holes. Place the panel level against the surface and mark locations for holes to be drilled. Remove the panel and drill 2 holes (hole size to match field supplied lag bolts and anchors). Place panel over the holes and secure it using bolts.
(1)Electrical connections of the control panel use 18 ga wire for all external wiring. The control panel requires 24 VAC, which is provided by the NORTEC supplied step down transformer (120 VAC to 24 VAC). The transformer plugs into any standard 120 VAC outlet that must be located within 6’ (six feet) of the control panel. Power is connected to the low voltage terminal trip located inside the panel as illustrated in Figure 16 Control Panel Terminal Strip Interfaces. Control panels are supplied by NORTEC in two configurations. The first is for use with systems that are designed to operate with only an On/Off humidistat and the second is designed to operate with a modulation controller. Within the control panel there is a 7 point terminal block, terminals 6 & 7 are for power voltage 24 VAC. A wiring diagram is provided with each control panel. Both control panels reserve terminals 1 & 2 are for on/ off control wiring which may be a simple humidistat, a relay for remote operation or other interlock devices (dry make break contacts).
(2)Modulation controlled systems use terminal 3, 4 & 5 on the 7 terminal block strip as follows: terminal 3 is to be connected to the “+” terminal on the controller, terminal 4 is to be connected to the
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