The information contained in this manual is believed correct at the time of publication. American Lincoln assumes no responsibility or liability for unauthorized changes made to this manual or pages removed, causing indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use of the information appearing herein.
In the event that machinery or controls described herein are modified in any way, or in the event that such machinery or controls are not maintained in a proper manner, the instructional material contained herein may be rendered inaccurate. The information contained herein is to be used only by persons knowledgeable in the operation of machinery such as that described herein, or other persons being directly supervised by such knowledgeable persons.
No portion of this manual may be reproduced without the express written consent of:
Product Engineering
1100 Haskins Road Bowling Green, OH, 43402
Copyright 2003 American Lincoln. All rights reserved. Printed in USA March 2003
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