Emerson h990 owner manual Installing the Faucet H770, Mounting the Tank, Connecting Faucet to Tank

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Unpack dispenser components.


On a firm, flat surface, carefully


straighten the copper tubing using


hands only.

Property Damage: Do not pinch or break copper tubing. Do not distort the last 1 inch of tubing.


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Select a spot under the sink to mount

Tank must be

tank vertically within reach of both

plumbing and electrical connections.

mounted level

The tank should be within 16" or less

to ensure

of faucet water lines and within 30"

proper operation.

or less of a standard grounded outlet.



While holding tank in place on

Property Damage: Tank must be located within 16" of

the spot selected for installation,

use a pencil to mark locations for

faucet and within 30" or less of a standard grounded

2 hanging screws.

outlet. DO NOT extend plumbing or electrical lines.




Make sure to use fiber gasket

to ensure proper seal.


Ensure that the fiber gasket is properly seated against the base of the dispenser head.

DO NOT remove mounting screw or fiber gasket from base of dispenser.


Leave 1/4" for hanging tank.

Mount tank vertically in an area that

allows clearance on the underside of the

tank for drainage, if necessary. DO NOT over tighten screws.

Screws provided are for use in wood studs or cabinets only. Use wall anchors (not supplied) for installation into drywall.

Pre-drill 1/8" pilot holes at marks.

Turn screws into pre-drilled holes, leaving 1/4" exposed.

Hang the tank on the screws.

Tighten the screws with only 1/2 turn clockwise.


An assistant may be needed to hold

the dispenser head in place while securing the dispenser.


Feed tubes down the hole in the sink or countertop until the base is at rest on the sink or countertop surface.

Position faucet head at the desired angle.


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Without depressing the gray button,




place the snap-connect fitting at

the end of the blue 1/4" tube onto




the left fitting on the tank, pushing




until it clicks into place. (1)




Slip the flexible white 7/16" tube




over barbed middle fitting and slide




down approximately 1/2". (2)




Slip the clear 5/16" tube over the far


Half moon shaped metal mounting plate

should cradle all descending tubes.


From below the sink, place semi- circular metal mounting plate over the mounting screw, ensuring the mounting plate covers the sink hole.

Slide washer over so that the screw is now inside the smaller hole. Tighten the screw until snug.



right smooth fitting and slide down



approximately 1/2". (3)





Visually check for pinched or

Property Damage: Pinched or blocked water lines

crimped tubes.

may cause damage to the dispenser tank.


Property Damage: Check to make sure

Hose clamps are not needed for any

tubes are connected properly and are

of the connections.

pushed down as far as possible.




Image 5 Emerson h990 owner manual Installing the Faucet H770, Mounting the Tank, Connecting Faucet to Tank
Contents 800.558.5700 Instant Hot Water DispenserWhat YOU Need to GET Started What YOU should Know Before YOU BeginPreparation Components in this PackageInstalling the Faucet H990 Installing the Faucet VIEW/ WaveConnecting Faucet to Tank Installing the Faucet H770Mounting the Tank H770Final Water Connection Fill Tank & then Connect PowerWarranty Information Care and USE TroubleshootingFactory temperature pre-set Llave para fregadero Tarugos para panel de yesoBroca corta-círculos Punzón Lo que usted verá en el manual de instrucciones ArandelasHC-Wave-SS Únicamente en los modelos caliente y frío 1APREPARACIÓNInstalación DEL Grifo VIEW/ Wave Instalación DEL Grifo H770 Instalación DEL Grifo H990Para obtener un sellado correcto H770 Para obtener un sellado correctoConexión Final DEL Agua Montaje DEL TanqueConexión DEL Grifo EN EL Tanque El agua saldrá fría en un principioInformación Sobre LA Garantía Mantenimiento Y USODispensador Años de garantía Tanques de acero inoxidable Ajuste el termostatoEn el número Identificación Y Solución DE ProblemasCe que vous verrez dans le manuel d’instructions ’installationÉlectrique du distributeur Dans CET Emballage Préparation25⁄8 View-SSInstallation DU Robinet H990 Installation DU Robinet VIEW/ WaveModèles chaud et froid seulemen Pour un trou dévier/comptoir standard de 11⁄2 po 3.8 cmMontage DU Réservoir Installation DU Robinet H770Renseignements SUR LA Garantie Connexion Finale DE L’EAUHC-View / HC-Wave / H990 / H770 DistributeurLa température à l’usine est Soins ET Utilisation Diagnostics