KitchenAid 2205264 manual Chilled Meat Drawer, Meat DrawerandCover, Crisperand CrisperCover

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To remove and replace the shelf track:

To remove and replace the shelf track:

1.Remove the shelf track by lifting both sides of the track slightly and pulling the track straight out.

2.Replace the track by guiding the track hooks into the shelf support slots on the back wall.

NOTE: Make sure that both sets of track hooks are in the slots and that the slots are parallel with each other.

3.Push the track back and down securely into the shelf supports.

To replace the shelf:

NOTE: Make sure that both of the rear shelf slides are securely in the track before letting go of the shelf. The lateral shelf may be difficult to install if the track is placed too close to the refrigerator ceiling. Reposition the track on a lower rung until the shelf can be tilted enough to easily slide into the track.

1.Hold the shelf at the front and tip the front at a 45° angle to the track.

2.Insert both of the rear shelf slides into the upper channel of the track, and lower the front of the shelf into place.

3.Lower cover into place and replace the meat drawer.

Chilled Meat Drawer


To adjust the meat drawer temperature:

Slide the meat drawer temperature control forward to make the meat drawer less cold.

Slide the meat drawer temperature control backward to make the meat drawer colder.

Meat DrawerandCover

(on some models)

To remove and replace the meat drawer (all styles):

1.Remove the meat drawer by sliding it out to the stop. Lift the front of meat drawer with one hand while supporting the bottom of drawer with other hand. Slide drawer out the rest of the way.

2.Replace the meat drawer by guiding it into the meat cover supports and pushing it in until it stops.

To remove and replace the meat drawer cover (Style 1 glass):

1.Remove the meat drawer. Remove the cover by tilting up the front of the cover and lifting at the back. Pull the cover straight out.

2.Replace the cover by guiding the rear hooks into the shelf supports. Tilt the cover up at the front until the rear hooks drop into the slots.

3.Lower the front of the cover to a level position and replace the meat drawer.

IMPORTANT: Do not clean glass meat drawer covers with warm water when they are cold. Glass meat drawer covers may break if exposed to sudden temperature changes or impact, such as bumping. For your protection, tempered glass is designed to shatter into many small pebble-size pieces. This is normal.

NOTE: Glass meat drawer covers are heavy. Use special care when removing them to avoid impact from dropping.

To remove and replace the meat drawer cover (Style 2 plastic):

1.Remove the meat drawer. Tilt the cover up at the front and pull it forward and out.

2.Replace the meat drawer cover by fitting the notches and rear edge of the cover over rear and center crossbars on the shelf.



Meat storage guide

Store most meat in original wrapping as long as it is airtight and moisture-proof. Rewrap if necessary. See the following chart for storage times. When storing meat longer than the times given, freeze the meat.

Fresh fish or shellfish

use same day as purchased


1-2 days

Ground beef

1-2 days

Variety meats (liver, heart, etc.)

1-2 days

Cold cuts

3-5 days


3-5 days

Cured meats

7-10 days

Leftovers - Cover leftovers with plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or plastic containers with tight lids.

Crisperand CrisperCover

(on some models - Accessory)

To remove and replace the crisper(s):

1.Slide crisper(s) straight out to the stop. Lift the front of the crisper(s) and slide out the rest of the way.

2.Replace the crisper(s) by sliding back in fully past the drawer stop.

IMPORTANT: Do not clean glass crisper covers with warm water when they are cold. Glass crisper covers may break if exposed to sudden temperature changes or impact, such as bumping. For your protection tempered glass is designed to shatter into many small pebble-size pieces. This is normal.


Image 12
Contents 2205264 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIÈRESREFRIGERATOR SAFETY INSTALLING YOUR REFRIGERATORREFRIGERATORSAFETY Your safety and the safety of others are very importantProper Disposal of Your Old Refrigerator IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSINSTALLING YOUR REFRIGERATOR Unpacking Your RefrigeratorSpace Requirements Excessive Weight HazardConnecting the Refrigerator to a Water Source Electrical RequirementsConnecting to water line Electrical Shock Hazard Plug into a grounded 3 prong outletBase Grille Connecting to refrigeratorTo remove the base grille To replace the base grilleDoor Removal Replacement Refrigerator Doors Removing, Reversing optional and ReplacingDoor Swing Reversal optional Base Grille Top HingeDoor Closing and Alignment Door and hinge replacementDoor and hinge removal Door reversal optionalUSING YOUR REFRIGERATOR Understanding Sounds You May HearEnsuring Proper Air Circulation Door AlignmentSetting the Controls Adjusting Control SettingsMid-setting “3” Mid-setting “3” Mid-setting “4”REFRIGERATOR FEATURES Lateral Adjustable ShelfRefrigerator Shelves onsomemodelson some models - Accessory Chilled Meat DrawerMeat DrawerandCover Crisperand CrisperCoverFREEZER FEATURES on some models -Accessoryonsome models - Accessory Crisper Humidity ControlAdjustable Half-width Freezer Shelf Freezer ShelfPull-out Freezer Floor REMEMBERDOOR FEATURES AdjustableUtilityCompartment & TrayDoorRails Door BinsCleaning Your Refrigerator Power InterruptionsCARING FOR YOUR REFRIGERATOR Changing the Light BulbsTROUBLESHOOTING Vacation and Moving CareIs the power supply cord unplugged? VacationsHas the ice maker just been installed? The refrigerator seems to make too much noiseThe ice maker is not producing ice Off-taste or odor in the iceASSISTANCE OR SERVICE In the U.S.AIn Canada If you need replacement partsKITCHENAID REFRIGERATOR WARRANTY ONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON REFRIGERATORSECOND THROUGH FIFTH YEAR FULL WARRANTY SIXTH THROUGH TENTH YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYSÉCURITÉ DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR AVERTISSEMENTMise au rebut de votre vieux réfrigérateur Votre sécurité et celle des autres est très importanteINSTALLATION DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR Déballage de votre réfrigérateurEspacement requis AVERTISSEMENTSpécifications électriques Raccordement du réfrigérateur à une canalisation d’eauMéthode recommandée de mise à la terre Risque de choc électriqueGrille de la base Raccordement au réfrigérateurPour enlever la grille de la base Pour replacer la grille de la baseDémontage et réinstallation de la porte Inversion du sens douverture des portes optionGrille de la base Charnière supérieure Charnière centraleRéinstallation - Portes et charnières Démontage - Portes et charnièresInversion de la porte facultatif Étapes finalesFermeture et alignement des portes Lesbruitsdel’appareilquevouspouvez entendreFermeture des portes Alignement des portesRéglage des commandes Ajustement des réglages de commandeUTILISATION DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR Pours’assurer d’une circulationd’air appropriéeCARACTÉRISTIQUES DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR Tablettesdu réfrigérateurPour les modèles à commande unique RECOMMANDÉTablette à réglage latéral Tiroir à viande et couverclesurcertains modèles sur certains modèlessurcertainsmodèles-Accessoire Tiroir àvianderéfrigéréBac à légumes et couvercle Réglage de l’humidité dans les bacsà légumesCARACTÉRISTIQUES DU CONGÉLATEUR Casier utilitaire ou oeufrierCasier à vin ou porte-cannettes Machine à glaçonsClayette de congélateur Clayette ajustable demi-largeur pour congélateurPlancher de congélateur coulissant Pour réinstaller la clayettesur certains modèles -Accessoire CARACTÉRISTIQUES DE LA PORTETringles dans la porte BalconnetsRemplacement des ampoules d’éclairage ENTRETIEN DE VOTRE RÉFRIGÉRATEURTablette de porte relevable Nettoyagedu réfrigérateurDÉPANNAGE Pannes de courantEntretienavantlesvacancesoulorsd’un déménagement VacancesUn filtre à eau est-il installé sur le réfrigérateur? Les ampoules n’éclairent pasUne ampoule d’éclairage est-elle desserrée dans la douille? Une ampoule est-elle grillée?Mauvais goût ou odeur des glaçons Les glaçons ont-ils été gardés trop longtemps?Les aliments dans le réfrigérateur ont-ils été bien emballés? Le congélateur et le bac à glaçons ont-ils besoin d’être nettoyés?ASSISTANCE OU SERVICE Aux États-UnisAu Canada Pour service au CanadaGARANTIE DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR KITCHENAID GARANTIE COMPLÈTE DE UN AN SUR LE RÉFRIGÉRATEURGARANTIE COMPLÈTE DE LA DEUXIÈME À LA CINQUIÈME ANNÉE INCLUSIVEMENT GARANTIE LIMITÉE DE LA SIXIÈME À LA DIXIÈME ANNÉE INCLUSIVEMENT