The followingsuggestionsare good rulesto followand will increaseyourenjoymentof the equipment.
•Be sure to followdirectionson page 18 for usingthe grill.
•Suggestedcookingtimes and controlsettingsare approximatedue to variations in meats. Experiencewillquicklyindicatecookingtimesas wellas whichsettings work best.
•For best results,buytop grade meat. Meat that isat least_ inchwillgrillbetter than thinnercuts.
•Score fat on edges of steak, but do not cut into meat, to preventcurlingwhile cooking.
•Forthe attractive"branded"look on steaks,be sure grillis preheated. Allowone sideofmeattocooktodesireddoneness,or untiljuicesappearonthetop surface, before turning. Turn steaks and hamburgersjust once. Manipulatingfood causesloss of juices.
•When basting meats or applying sauces to foods, remember that excessive amountswind up insideyour grill and do not improvethe food flavor. Apply sauces duringthe last 15 to 20 minutesof cookingtime unlessrecipespecifies otherwise. Plus, any time a
•There are manymeat marinadeswhichwill helptenderizeless expensivecutsof meat for cookingon the grill.
•Certainfoods,suchas poultryand
•Use tongswith long handlesor spatulasfor turningmeats. Do not use forksas thesepiercethe meat, allowingjuices to be lost.
•To helpretainmeat juices,salt after turningmeat or after cookingis completed.
Be sure the grill is cool and controlsare Off.
Grill Grates
These are madefromcastaluminumandare coated withthe Excalibur_ nonstickfinish.
•After the grill grates have cooled, wipe off grates with a paper towel. Wash cool grates (DO NOT IMMERSE HOT GRILL GRATES IN WATER) with soap or detergentin hotwater inthesink orwashtheminthe dishwasher.Besureto remove all food residuebeforecookingon the grillgrates again.
•Removestubbornspotswith a plasticmeshpuff or pad. For best results,use only
thosecleaningproductswhichstatetheyare recommendedfor usewhencleaning nonstick surfaces.
•If gratesare washed inthe dishwasher,seasonwith oil priorto grilling. (See p. 18.)
•Do not use metal brushes or abrasive scouring pads or other scrubbers intended to clean outdoor charcoal grills. These willremovethe finish as well as scratchthe
grates.Do not clean in the