•The oven racks can be cleaned in the oven. However,the oven rackswilldiscolor, loseshininess, and become difficult to slide in and out if left in the oven dudng the cleaning process. REMOVE RACKS FROM OVEN IF THIS DISCOLORATION WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE. As a suggestion, do not leave the racks in the oven duringeach
*Omit steps 4 & 5 if you wish cleaningto begin immediately.
To set oven to start cleaning immediately
1.Close the oven door.
2.Touch Clean Pad.
IndicatorWords CLEAN TIME will flash and Display will show "HR : | ". |
3.Touch the appropriatenumber pad(s).
The firstnumberpad touchedwill enter "3:00" in the Displayfor an average soiled oven. The cleaningtime can be varieddependingonthe amountof soil. Set "2:00" for lightsoil or "4:00" for heavy soil.
Note: if more than five seconds elapse between touchingthe Clean Pad and touchinga numberpad, the ovenis n._qtset and time of day willautomatioaUyreturn to the Display.
Example: If at 9
Five secondsafter entering"3:00" or a differenttime, the oven door will startto
automatically]archand the coolingfan willcome on. The LOCK IndicatorWord will come on when the door is latched.
Note: If ovendoorwas leftopen,the word"door"willflashinthe Displayandasignal willcontinuouslybeep untilthe door is closedand the Clean Pad is touched.
The IndicatorWordON comeson whenthe door is latchedand will remainuntilthe clean temperatureis reached. The Indicator Word ON will cycle with the elements to maintain the clean temperature.