Control Knobs
The knobsonthe controlpanelcan be removedwiththecontrolsinthe Off position.Pull each knobstraightfromthe shaft. Wash knobsin warm soapywater or dishwasher;do not useabrasivecleansersor materials. To replaceeach knob, matchfiat part of knob openingwiththeflat of theshaft, returning in Off position. Important: Neveruse a metal blade to pry knoboff.
Control Panel Area and Display Window
Wipewithpapertowelsdampened withsoapywateror glasscleaner. Do not sprayany cleaningsolutionsdirectly onto the Display window or use large amounts of soap and water. Do not scrub with S.O.S pads or abrasive cleansers.
Glass on Oven Door Front
Use any suitableglasscleaner or soapy water.
Oven Door Trim
Slightlydampen a clothor papertowel withsoapy wateror nonabrasivecleanser such as Fantastikor409. Do notuse excessiveamountsofwater or allowwaterto rundown
throughthe air vents underthe door handle since this will cause streaks which will be
visiblethroughthe glass door. White parts may be cleanedwith chlorine bleachor a nonabrasivecleanserthatcontainschlorinebleach. Do notuseany abrasivecleansers.
ovencleaners, or scrub with any abrasive mater/als,suchas S.O.S.
•Itisimportanttokeepigniterportopeningsonburnersclearandfreeofobstructions to avoidignitionfailure and possiblegas buildup. If the portopeningsare blocked, use a toothpick to remove food particles.
•The ignitercap and stern can be cleaned with warm soapy water and a plastic scrubber. The wire electrode inside the cap can be cleaned with a small brush. Rinseand dry.
Surface Burner Assembly
The surface burner assembly can be cleaned with mild detergents and a plastic scrubber,or washedin the dishwasher.To preventscratchingthe burnerheads,do not use abrasive cleansers or scrubbing pads. Do NOTclean in a
Note: Check to be sure all ports are open. To openclogged ports,insert a toothpick directly into each port.
Althoughthe burner grate is durable, it will gradually lose its shine and/or discolor, regardlessofthe care you take of it. This isdue to itsexposureto the hightemperature of the gas flames.
To preservethe porcelainenamel finishas long as possible,have a pan on the grate before you turn on the burner, and lowerthe flame when food reaches the desired cookingtemperature.