To set oven on Bake or Convect Bake or Convect Roast
1.Place oven racks on proper rack positions.(See p. 25.)
2.Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad. IndicatorWords BAKE or CONV BAKE or CONV ROAST will flash and three dashes willbe shown.
Note: If more than five seconds elapse betweentouchinga pad and touchinga numberpad, Displaywill returnto previousDisplay.
3.Touch the appropriatenumber pads for desired oven temperature.
(Allowablerangeis 100°to 550°F). Afterfivesecondstheovenwill beginto preheat. The IndicatorWords ON, PREHEAT, and either BAKEor CONV BAKE or CONV
ROASTwillappearinthe Display.The temperatureshownwillbe 100° or the oven temperaturewhicheveris higher.
Example: If at 10 o'clockyou set the oven for 350° for convectbaking, after five secondsthe Displaywillshow:
Duringthe preheat,the Displaywillshowa rise in 5° incrementsuntilprogrammed temperatureis reached. When the oven is preheated,the oven willchime, the ON and PREHEAT IndicatorWordswill go off, and the programmedoventemperature will remainin the Display.
Note: Oven will preheat for approximately7 to 11 minutes.
Important: Whenever ON appears in the Display,the oven is heating.
To recall temperature set during preheat: Touch the appropriateBake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad. Temperaturewill bebrieflydisplayed, then will automaticallyreturnto
To change temperature set: Touch appropriateBake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad and the appropriatenumber pads for the new desired
Note: If you are loweringthe temperaturebelowthe currentoventemperature,the IndicatorWordsON and PREHEAT willappearbrieflyintheDisplayandthe preheat chime will sound. Then, the Display will show programmedtemperature and
IndicatorWord BAKE or CONV BAKEor CONV ROAST only.
4.Touch Cancel Off Pad to turn oven off at end of baking, The oven will continue operatinguntilthe Cancel Off Pad is touched,