•Use the Convect Roast Pad for best results.
•Preheating the oven is not necessary.
•Followpackage recommendationsfor oven temperature, foil coveringand use of cookiesheets. Cooking timeswill be similar, See chartbelowfor someexceptions and examples.
•Centerfoodsin the oven. If morethan one fooditemis beingcooked or if foodsare being cookedon multipleracks, staggerfoods for proper air circulation.
•Mostfoods are cookedon rack position#3o.
•For muffiple rack cooking, use racks #1, 3o and 4. However, pizzas should be placedon cookiesheets and baked on rack position#2o, 3 and 4.
Here are a few examples of times and temperatures
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*An "o" after a rack numberimplies that the offsetrack shouldbe used.
**Conventionalbake uses the Bake Pad.
*** The times givenare based on specificbrands of mixes or recipestested. Actual times will depend on the ones you bake.
Note" Convectroastingimes willbe similartothe conventionaltimes becausethe oven is notpreheated. The time savingscomesfrom not havingto preheatthe oven.