How to Say Numbers
Numbers in voice commands must be given as shown below. Either ‘zero’ or ‘oh’ can be used for ‘0’, most users will find that ‘zero’ gives better results. For information about specific commands, see ‘Voice Command List’, page 114.
Radio Stations
Frequencies are said as in the following examples:
•‘Tune five thirty one AM’, or ‘Tune five thirty one’ (531).
•‘Tune nine hundred’ (900).
•‘Tune fourteen forty’ (1440).
•‘Tune fifteen oh three AM’ (1503).
•‘Tune ten eighty’ (1080).
•‘Tune eighty nine point nine FM’ or ‘Tune eighty nine point nine’ (89.9).
•‘Tune ninety point zero’ or ‘Tune ninety’ (90.0).
•‘Tune one hundred point five’ (100.5)
•‘Tune one oh one point one FM’ (101.1).
•‘Tune one oh eight point oh’, ‘Tune one oh eight point zero’, or ‘Tune one oh eight’ (108.0).
Disc and Track Numbers
For CD changer, single CD or MiniDisc commands, say disc and track numbers as in the following examples:
•‘Disc one’ (1).
•‘Disc six track ten’ (6, 10).
•‘Track twenty five’ (25).
•‘Track forty seven’ (47).
Phone Numbers
All phone numbers are said as single digits, as in the following example. Double, Triple and Treble are also acceptable commands if preceding a single digit. Plus (+), Star (*) and Hash (#) are acceptable as the first digit of a number.
•‘Dial zero one two zero three four zero two one double four’ (01203 402144).
When using the Phone Enter command, the first entry must be between
In climate control commands, say temperatures as in the following examples:
•‘Temperature seventy two’ (72).
•‘Temperature eighty’ (80).
•‘Temperature twenty one point five’ (21.5).
•‘Temperature nineteen point zero’, ‘Temperature nineteen point oh’ or ‘Temperature nineteen’ (19.0).