Destination Entry
Destination Entry Menu
The menu shows all the methods available for route setting:
Memory Point
Point of Interest
Previous Dest.
The Destination Entry menu consists of two pages.
•To select a menu item that is not being displayed, touch Next Page or Prev. Page.
The second page contains the following methods available for route setting:
Select from Map
Freeway Entrance/Exit
All these methods are described in this Chapter.
Search area
To reduce the time taken to calculate a route, the map database is divided into a number of regions. When setting a route, the destination (or way point) being entered must be in the currently selected search area.
Using the destination entry menu
The Destination Entry menu is used for both destination and way point entry. (Way points and the destination can be entered in any order.)
•Select an item from the menu.
(For example, to use a point of interest as the destination, select Point of Interest.)
Enter by Address
The steps for address entry are:
•Street Entry.
•Select City.
•Enter House Number.
Street entry
After selecting Address from the Destination Entry menu, the alpha keyboard screen is displayed, showing ‘Input Street Name’.