Bosch Appliances HBC86K7.0 manual Your new microwave oven, Control panel

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Your new microwave oven

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The control panel

S￿a￿￿ b￿￿￿￿￿

S￿￿￿ b￿￿￿￿￿



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R￿￿a￿y ￿￿￿b

Buttons for selecting the microwave wattage

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90 W for defrosting delicate foods

180 W for defrosting and continued cooking

360 W for cooking meat and heating delicate foods

600 W for heating and cooking food

900 W for heating liquids


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Image 10
Contents BCK Contents Setting procedure Safety Switch*off Tabe f tets Safety information Before installationImportant information Page Safety information for microwave operation Surface Causes of damage Control panel Your new microwave ovenButtons for selecting the microwave wattage Function selector Rotary knobControl buttons and display panel Fold away control knobsTypes of heating Hot Air An on t ak wall Page Oven nd Aessories Cooling fan Glass roasting dish HZ21Set the time Selecting the language for the text display Before using for the first timeHeating up the oven Precleaning the accessories MicrowaveSetting procedure OvenwarePage Selecting several followon microwave power settings Setting the oven OoomOoom If the oven is to switch off automatically If the oven is to AutomaticallyRapid heating Setting the oven and microwave in combination Hot air grilling Display Automatic programming DefrostingDeep frozen Adjust Individually Automatic Programs For Whole Fish Whole fish Fresh Add Tablespoons Water Lemon Program Fresh Foodstuffs Weight range Ovenwareaccessories Program Suitable foodstuffs Weight range Ovenwareaccessories Program Storing memory settings MemoryHot air Starting the Memory function Clock Set time Basic settings Auto startBsic stting Function Childproof lock Select language EnglisTimer Set timerSafety switchoff Appliance exterior Care and cleaningOven Page Page Cleaning Glass Panels Page Troubleshooting Seal AccessoriesMalfunction Possible cause Faulty Control Replacing the oven lightbulb Changing the door seal AfterSales Service Defrosting, heating Cooking Tables TipsWith Microwave Watts Cooking time in minutes Setting watts Dishes 250 600 Setting, Notes Tips For Microwave Operation Meat, poultry, fishHot glass dishes should be placed on a Dry Rat Amount Weight Level Type Grill Advice on roasting and grilling Cakes and pastriesTop/bottom Heating Intensive Hot Air Top/bottom Heating t Hot air Baking Tips Energy saving tips Bakes, gratins, toast DeepFrozen Ready Meals Oen ha Been Iched offBraising Tips for braising Acrylamide in food What can You do?Page Test Dishes DINCake 180 15420 1804200 Level Type Tempera