Haier HRFZ-250D AA manual Cleaning and maintenance, Changing the light bulb, Power Failure

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Cleaning and maintenance

Cleaning and maintenance

Before any cleaning or maintenance is carried out you must disconnect the appliance from the mains supply by removing the plug, never remove the plug by pulling on the mains cord. Remove the plug by pulling on the plug itself.

It is recommended that when cleaning the appliance, both the inside and outside, can be cleaned using warm water and a little bicarbonate of soda. Use 1 teaspoon to 1.2 litres

of water.

If the appliance is not to be used for a long period of time then it is recommended to

remove all the food stuff, clean the inside of the appliance and leave the door open to allow the air to circulate thus avoiding unpleasant odors.

Changing the light bulb

Note. Light bulbs are not covered by the warranty Disconnect the appliance from the mains supply.

Pull the lamp cover forwards, to gain accesses to the lamp . Unscrew the light bulb in an anti-clockwise direction from the holder.

Replace the bulb with one of the correct type and size (10 watt E14 base). Replace the cover by Pushing the cover Backwards.

Reconnect the appliance to the mains supply.

Power Failure

If there is a power failure for a short time less than 12 hrs keep the door closed Frozen food should not be affected if the failure lasts for less than 12 hrs.

Extra protection can be given by covering the appliance with two or three thick blankets. If a long power failure is anticipated, try to get the foodstuff into another appliance or cold store, if possible.

Prolonged off periods

If the power cut is longer than 12 hrs then check the content of the freezer.

If the food has defrosted, cook and refreeze the food or it should be eaten immediately. Never refreeze food that has been defrosted.


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Contents USERS INSTRUCTIONS HRFZ-250DAA FRIDGE FREEZER3 Thermostat and Lamp assembly 4 Door Switch 1 Top Cover 2 Wire Shelf8 Adjustable Front Feet 9 Door Balconies 5 Glass Shelves 6 Crisper Cover 7 CrisperELECTRICAL CONNECTION UK ONLY How to wire a 13 amp plugWarning This appliance must be earthed Green and Yellow – Earth Blue – NeutralSafety information InstallationTHANK YOU FOR PURCHASING THIS HAIER PRODUCT IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Instructions for use Temperature ControlThe Internal Light Store frozen food Storage of fresh food in the refrigeratorFreezing fresh food Freezer Making ice cubes Ice tray not suppliedFreezer defrost process Refrigerator defrost processPower Failure Cleaning and maintenanceChanging the light bulb Prolonged off periodsIf the appliance is not operating correctly Before calling for serviceDos and Donts HRFZ-250D/U Fridge-FreezerProduct Features PowerIMPORTANT DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS MODE D’EMPLOI HRFZ-250DAA RÉFRIGÉRATEUR- CONGÉLATEURPage 1 Couvercle supérieur 2 Grille Désignation des pièces5 Clayettes en verre 6 Couvercle du bac à légumes 7 Bac à légumesBRANCHEMENT ÉLECTRIQUE ROYAUME-UNIUNIQUEMENT Attention Cet appareil doit être mis à la terreBranchement d’une prise de 13 ampères Installation MERCI D’AVOIR ACHETÉ CE PRODUIT HAIERInformations sur la sécurité INFORMATIONS IMPORTANTES SUR LA SÉCURITÉ Commande de température Utilisation de l’appareilÉclairage intérieur Préparation des glaçons bac à glaçons non fourni Stockage de produits alimentaires congelésNettoyage et entretien Dégivrage du réfrigérateurDégivrage du congélateur Remplacer l’ampoule Coupure de courantPériodes d’arrêt prolongées Si l’appareil ne fonctionne pas correctement Avant d’appeler une assistancePériodes d’arrêt prolongées À faire et à ne pas faire Réfrigérateur-CongélateurHRFZ-250D IMPORTANT DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS HRFZ-250DAA Frigorífico com CongeladorMANUAL DE INSTRUÇÕES 1 Tampa superior 2 Prateleira em rede Descrição6 Tampa da caixa de legumes 7 Caixa de legumes 8 Pés frontais ajustáveis 9 Prateleiras da portaAtenção LIGAÇÃO ELÉCTRICA Apenas para o Reino UnidoComo ligar uma ficha de 13 amperes Atenção Verde e Amarelo – Terra Azul - NeutroOBRIGADO POR TER ADQUIRIDO ESTE PRODUTO HAIER Informação de segurançaInstalação INFORMAÇÃO DE SEGURANÇA IMPORTANTE Instruções de utilização Controlo de TemperaturaA Luz Interna Guardar alimentos frescos no frigorífico Guardar alimentos congeladosCongelar alimentos frescos Congelador Processo de descongelação do frigorífico Processo de descongelação do congeladorLimpeza e manutenção Falha de electricidade Trocar a lâmpadaLongos períodos de inactividade Se o electrodoméstico não funcionar correctamenteAntes de chamar a assistência técnica 1. O frigorífico não está a funcionarRecomendações HRFZ-250D Frigorífico com congeladorINSTRUÇÕES DE RECICLAGEM INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL USUARIO HRFZ-250DAA FRIGORÍFICO CONGELADOR1 Cubierta superior 2 Balda Varilla Nombre de las partes5 Baldas de Cristal 6 Cubierta Cajón de Verduras 7 Cajón de VerdurasCONEXIÓN ELÉCTRICA SÓLO para el Reino Unido GRACIAS POR HABER COMPRADO ESTE PRODUCTO HAIER Información de seguridadInstalación IMPORTANTE INNFORMACIÓN DE SEGURIDAD Instrucciones de utilización Control de la TemperaturaLa Luz Interna Congelar alimentos frescos Congelador Conservar alimentos congeladosProceso de descongelación del frigorífico Proceso de descongelación del CongeladorLimpieza y mantenimiento Cambiar la bombilla Corte de CorrientePeriodos prolongados de apagado Antes de llamar al servicio Si el aparato no está funcionando correctamenteLo que hay que hacer y lo que no Frigorífico-CongeladorHRFZ-250D INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES PARA LA ELIMINACIÓN DE DESECHOS BENUTZUNGSHINWEISE HRFZ-250DAA KÜHL-GEFRIERKOMBINATION1 obere Abdeckung 2 Gitterboden Bezeichnung der Bestandteile3 Thermostat und Lampe 4 Türanschlag 5 Glaseinlegeböden 6 Abdeckung GemüsefachELEKTRISCHE ANSCHLÜSSE NUR UK Achtung: dieses Gerät muss geerdet seinVerkabelung eines 13 Amp-Steckers Sicherheitshinweise InstallationWICHTIGE SICHERHEITSINFORMATIONEN Benutzungshinweise TemperaturregelungDie Innenbeleuchtung Aufbewahren gefrorener Lebensmittel Lagern von frischen Lebensmitteln im KühlschrankAbtauen des Kühlschranks Abtauen des GefrierschranksReinigung und Wartung Wenn das Gerät längere Zeit nicht benutzt wird Wenn das Gerät nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniertAuswechseln der Glühbirne StromausfallEhe Sie den Kundendienst rufen Einige Tipps Kühl-Gefrier-KombinationHRFZ-250D uns um die Unmwelt WICHTIGE ENTSORGUNGSHINWEISENÁVOD K OBSLUZE HRFZ-250DAA LEDNICE S MRAZÁKEM1 Vrchní kryt 2 Drátěná police Názvy součástí3 Termostat a osvětlení 4 Zavírání dveří 5 Skleněné policeVarování: Tento spotřebič musí být uzemněn PŘIPOJENÍ K ELEKTRICKÉ SÍTI Pouze Velká BritánieJak připojit 13 amp zástrčku Zelenožlutá - uzemnění Modrá – nulový vodičInstalace Bezpečnostní pokynyDŮLEŽITÉ BEZPEČNOSTNÍ INFORMACE Pokyny pro použití Regulace teplotyVnitřní osvětlení Skladování čerstvých potravin v lednici Skladování zmrazených potravinZmrazování čerstvých potravin Mrazák Postup při odmrazování ledničky Postup při odmrazování mrazákuČištění a údržba Pokud spotřebič nebude delší dobu používán Pokud spotřebič správně nefungujeNež zavoláte servis Výměna žárovkyCo dělat a co ne Lednice s mrazákem HRFZ-250D DŮLEŽITÉ POKYNY PRO LIKVIDACI ISTRUZIONI D’USO HRFZ-250DAAFRIGO CONGELATORE Nome delle parti Collegamento di una spina da 13 amp COLLEGAMENTO ELETTRICO Solo Regno UnitoInstallazione GRAZIE PER AVER ACQUISTATO QUESTO PRODOTTO HAIERInformazioni di sicurezza IMPORTANTI INFORMAZIONI DI SICUREZZA Istruzioni d’uso Controllo della temperaturaLa lampadina interna Conservazione del cibo fresco nel frigorifero Conservazione del cibo congelatoCongelamento di cibo fresco Freezer Processo di scongelamento del freezer Processo di scongelamento del frigoriferoPulizia e manutenzione Il cambio della lampadinaInterruzione di corrente Lunghi periodi di inattivitàPrima di rivolgersi all’assistenza Se l’apparecchio non funziona correttamenteCosa fare e cosa non fare HRFZ-250D Frigorifero-FreezerISTRUZIONI IMPORTANTI PER LO SMALTIMENTO GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING HRFZ-250DAA KOELKAST VRIEZER1 Bovenste afdekplaat 2 Rekje Benaming onderdelen3 Thermostaat en lampje 4 Deurknop 5 Glazen legplaten 6 Afdekplaat lade 7 LadeWaarschuwing: dit toestel moet worden geaard AANSLUITING ELEKTRICITEIT ENKEL UKHoe een 13 ampère stekker bedraden Groen en geel: aardingInstallatie DANK VOOR DE AANKOOP VAN DIT HAIER-PRODUCTVeiligheidsinformatie BELANGRIJKE VEILIGHEIDSVOORSCHRIFTEN Gebruiksvoorschriften Temperatuur instellenHet binnenlampje Bevroren voedsel bewaren Vers voedsel bewaren in de koelkastVers voedsel invriezen IJsblokjes maken ijsblokjesvorm niet bijgeleverdKoelkast ontdooien IJs uit de vriezer verwijderenSchoonmaak en onderhoud De lamp vervangen Probleem met stroomtoevoerLangere periodes buiten werking Wel en niet Alvorens de technische dienst te contacterenNiet- Beschadig het koelsysteem in geen geval Koelkast-diepvries HRFZ-250D BELANGRIJKE INSTRUCTIES VOOR DE OPRUIMING