Haier DW9-AFMS, DW9-AFM ME manual Safety Is a Good Habit to Get Into, Close-up View Control Panel

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Safety Is a Good Habit to Get Into





Carefully read the instructions contained in this manual, as they provide important information which is essential to safe and proper installation, use and maintenance of the appliance.

This appliance complies with the following EEC


-73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent modifications;

-8 9 / 3 3 6 / E E C o f 0 3 / 0 5 / 8 9 ( E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c Compatibility) and subsequent modifications.

-Carefully dispose of the packing material.

-After removing the packing, check to make sure that the appli- ance is not damaged. If in doubt, contact a qualified professional.

-The dishwasher must only be used by adults for the washing of household dishes and cooking utensils.

-Fundamental rules to follow when using the appliance:

*Never touch the dishwasher when bare foot or with wet hands or feet;

*We discourage the use of extension cords and multiple sockets;

*During installation, the power supply cord must not be exces- sively or dangerously bent or flattened;

* If the appliance is not operating properly or maintenance must be performed, disconnect the appliance from the power supply.

-Keep detergents out of the reach of children, who must also be kept away from the dishwasher when it is open.

-This appliance cannot be installed outdoors, not even if the area in which it is installed is covered by a roof; it is also very dangerous to leave it exposed to the rain and elements.

-Do not touch the heating element during or after a wash cycle.

-Do not lean or sit on the door when it is open, as this could overturn the dishwasher.

-If the appliance malfunctions, turn off water supply to the appli- ance and disconnect the plug from the wall socket. Then, con- sult the section entitled, "Troubleshooting". If you can not solve the problem, contact a service centre.

-Only specialised personnel are authorised to make repairs.

-Appliances which are no longer being used must be made inoperable by cutting the power supply cord and removing the door lock.

-The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible.

-The carpet must not obstruct the opening when the appliance in- stalling on the ground with carpet.

-If the supply cord is damaged ,it must be replaced by the manu facture ,its service agent of similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.

Close-up View (Control Panel)







ON-OFF Light


D Handle For Opening Door


Low Salt Indicator Light


E Knob For Selecting Cycle

C ON-OFF Button


Image 2
Contents DW9-AFM DW9-AFMS DW9-AFM ME Safety Is a Good Habit to Get Into Close-up View Control PanelTechnical characteristics Close-up View InteriorSalt Adjusting Salt ConsumptionL t Loading the Salt into the SoftenerLoading the detergent Detergent and Rinse AidDetergent Rinse AidLower Rack Upper Rack Load for 9 Standard Settings How to Use the Lower RackHow to Use the Upper Rack Loading the DishwasherStarting a wash cycle Cancelling or modifying a wash cycle settingStarting the Appliance At the end of the wash cycleWash Cycle Table Energy Saving Tips Cleaning and Special Maintenance TroubleshootingInstallation Gute Sicherheit ist eine Gewohnheitssache Ansicht, BedienfeldInnenansicht Strombelastung insgesamt 1900WSalz in Wasserenthärter geben L zRegeneriersalz Salzverbrauch einstellenReinigungsmittel und Klarspüler Benutzung des Oberkorbs Geschirrspüler beladenBenutzung des Unterkorbs UnterkorbsOberkorbs Beladung mit 9 MaßgedeckenEnde des Spülprogramms Gerät einschaltenEin Spülprogramm starten Unterbrechung oder Änderung eines SpülprogrammsSpülprogrammtabelle Energiespartipps So bleibt Ihr Geschirrspüler in FormReinigung und Wartung StörungssucheKaltwasseranschluss Aufstellen des GeschirrspülersNivellieren der Maschine HeißwasseranschlussGros plan bandeau de commandes La sécurité est une habitude quil est bon de cultiverGros plan de lintérieur Réglage de la quantité de sel SelComment remplir ladoucisseur Comment remplir le distributeur de détergent Détergent et liquide de rinçageDétergent Comment remplir le distributeur de liquide de rinçageComment utiliser le panier supérieur Comment remplir votre lave-vaisselleComment utiliser le panier inférieur Comment annuler ou modifier les réglages dun cycle en Cours Comment mettre lappareil sous tensionComment lancer un programme de lavage La fin du cycle de lavageTableau des cycles de lavage ERFConseils pour économiser lénergie Diagnostic des pannes Nettoyer le filtre d’entrée d’eauRaccordement à larrivée deau froide Comment installer lappareilComment mettre lappareil de niveau Raccordement à larrivée deau chaudeTasto ON-OFF La sicurezza, una buona abitudineVista da vicino quadro comandi Manopola selezione programmiVista da vicino Interno Regolazione del consumo del sale L eSale Inserimento del detersivo Detersivo e brillantanteDetersivo Inserimento del brillantanteCome riempire il cestello superiore Caricamento delle stoviglieCome riempire il cestello inferiore Cestello inferiore Capacità 9 coperti standardNel caso abbiate dimenticato delle stoviglie Come avviare la macchinaPer avviare un programma di lavaggio Alla fine del lavaggioTabellal programmi Cycle Informazione di Descrizione di Ciclo DetersivoConsigli per risparmiare Come tenere in forma la lavastoviglieControlla il filtro dimmissione dacqua Ce qualche problema?Pulizia e manutenzioni particolari Installazione La seguridad es una buena costumbre que se ha de desarrollar Primer plano panel de controlPrimer plano Interior Ajuste del consumo de sal SalLlenado del distribuidor de sal Llenado del distribuidor de detergente Detergente y abrillantadorDetergente Llenado del distribuidor de abrillantadorUso del cesto superior Carga del lavavajillasUso del cesto inferior Cesto inferior Cesto superiorInicio del programa de lavado Cancelación o modificación de un programa de lavadoPuesta en marcha del aparato Al final del programa de lavadoTabla de programas de lavado Consejos para el ahorro de energía Cómo cuidar el lavavajillasSolución de problemas Limpieza y mantenimiento especialInstalación Segurança é um bom hábito a desenvolver Vista detalhada painel de controloVista detalhada interior Deitar o sal no amaciador SalAjustar o consumo de sal Detergente e abrilhantador Como utilizar o cesto superior Carregar LouçasComo utilizar o cesto inferior Iniciar um ciclo de lavagem Cancelar ou alterar uma regulação do ciclo de lavagemLigar o aparelho No fim do ciclo de lavagemTabela de ciclos de lavagem Sugestões para poupança de energia Como manter a sua máquina em formaResolução de problemas Limpeza e manutenção especialInstalação Veiligheid is een goede gewoonte om te ontwikkelen Detailopname bedieningspaneelDetailopname Binnenzijde Zoutverbruik aanpassen ZoutZout Zout aanbrengenZeep en glansspoelmiddel Gebruik van de bovenkorf De vaatwasser inruimenGebruik van de onderkorf Onderkorf Bovenkorf Lading voor 9 standaardcouvertsAan het einde van het wasprogramma De vaatwasser inschakelenEen wasprogramma beginnen Wasprogrammatabel Tips voor energiebesparing De zorg voor uw vaatwasserProblemen oplossen Reiniging en speciaal onderhoudInstallatie Diagram