service manual
C. Wiring Diagram, IM-500SAA
Error codes
C. Wiring Diagram
Wire Saddle
RESET Button
H. Quick Adjustments
D. Control Board Settings
Bin Control Cleaning
Refrigerant Recovery
Page 39
C. Wiring Diagram
Page 38
Page 39
Image 39
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Page 39
Stackable Square Cuber Model IM-500SAA
HoshizakiHoshizaki America, Inc
Attn Hoshizaki Technical Support Department
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618 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA
appliance or property
Important Safety Information
serious injury
Indicates a situation which could result in damage to the
WARNING, continued
I. Construction and Water/Refrigeration Circuit Diagram
A. Construction
1. Air-Cooled Model SAA
Water Tank
B. Water/Refrigeration Circuit Diagram
IM Control Board
II. Sequence of Operation and Service Diagnosis
A. Sequence of Operation Flow Chart
Shutdown and Restart Sequence Flow Chart
3. Freeze Cycle
B. Sequence of Operation
1. Startup Cycle
2. Harvest Cycle
4. Shutdown
No Ice Production - Possible Cause
C. Service Diagnosis Table
Slab Does Not Break Into Separate Cubes - Possible Cause
Low Ice Production - Possible Cause
Long Harvest Cycle
Long Freeze Cycle
Cloudy Cubes - Possible Cause
1. Bin Control Check
D. Bin Control Check and Cleaning
2. Bin Control Cleaning
E. Evaporator Thermistor Check
B. Control Board
III. Controls and Adjustments A. Control Switch
1. Control Board Layout
IM Control Board
Part Number P01873-01 Version 1.3A or Later
1. RESET Button
2. SERVICE 1 and SERVICE 2 Buttons
C. Control Buttons
D. Control Board Settings
water supply time 1 CB Setting 12 timer terminates
Freeze Cycle Water Supply Time 1 Partial Drain CB
Freeze Cycle Water Supply Time 2 Partial Drain CB
4. Press the RESET button to return to list
E. Control Board Information Display
2. Use the SERVICE 1 and SERVICE 2 buttons to move through the list
3. Press the RESET button to view the item’s value
Freeze cycles interrupted by bin control shutdown
example, 655,350 cycles
1.0A, displays as follows
F. Control Board Model Code Setting
1. Control Board Replacement
2. Checking or Changing the Control Board Model Code
G. Error Codes
b To decrease dimple diameter
H. Quick Adjustments
1. Dimple Diameter
a To increase dimple diameter
2. Ice Clarity
Normal Position
Drain Position
IV. Refrigeration Circuit and Component Service Information
A. Refrigeration Circuit Service Information
1. Refrigerant Recovery
3. Evacuation and Recharge R-404A
2. Brazing
B. Component Service Information
G. Water Pan Assembly
Refer to illustration for assembly
J. Pump Motor Assembly
V. Maintenance
VI. Preparing the Icemaker for Periods of Non-Use
1. Remove the water from the icemaker water supply line
2. Drain the water tank
VII. Disposal
A. Specification Data
VIII. Technical Information
1. IM-500SAA
B. Performance Data
1. IM-500SAA
C. Wiring Diagram
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