Custom Door and Access Panels—1/4″ Thick
Cut panels to the same size as the production metal panel.
Door Lower
Bin Panel
| Wood Panel |
11 | 1/4″ |
| 1115/16″ | Dimensions | |
Custom Door and Access Panels—3/4″ Thick
These door and access
Storage bin door panel:
•Cut the panel 17″ wide x 111/4″ high.
•Rout the top and both sides 5/16″ wide, 1/2″ deep for a total thickness of 1/4″.
•Rout the bottom of the panel 1″ wide, 1/2″ deep for a total thickness of 1/4″. This will allow the door to
open without binding against the lower panel. For a custom appearance, consider tapering this 1″ rout.
Lower access panel:
•Cut the panel 17″ wide x 1115/16″ high.
•Rout all four sides 5/16″ wide and 1/2″ deep for a total thickness of 1/4″.
Storage Bin Door Panel
Rout 1/2″ deep, 1″ wide across bottom Rout 1/2″ deep, 5/16″ wide top and sides
Rout 1/2″ deep, 5/16″ wide on all sides
Lower Access Panel
3/4″ Thick Panels
Install Custom Door and Access Panels
To install the storage bin door panel:
1.Open the storage bin door.
2.Remove the two screws on top
of the door which hold the handle.
3.Remove the handle.
4.Slide the metal panel out.
5.Break off the ribs on the door insulation to allow for the wood thickness.
6.Slide the wood panel into the door frame.
7.Replace the handle and screws.
Remove all door insulation ribs to accept wood panel thickness
To install the lower access panel:
WARNING: Make sure the icemaker is disconnected from the main power supply before removing the lower access panel. Failure to do so could result in electric shock or personal injury.
1.Remove the screw at the top of the lower access panel assembly and the two screws at the bottom that hold the lower access panel assembly to the icemaker.
2.Remove the two screws from the top panel trim.
3.Slide the metal panels and spacers out.
4.Slide the wood panel into the door frame.
5.Replace the top of the panel assembly.
NOTE: Make sure the galvanized panel is replaced in back of the panel assembly.