Questionsand Answers
Q. Is it necessaryto checkfor donenesswith
a meatthermometer?
A.Checkingthe finishedinternaltemperatureat
the completionof cookingtime is recommended. Temperaturesare shownin the RoastingGuide.For roastsover8 pounds,checkwiththermometerat half- hourintervalsafterhalfthe cookingtimehas passed.
Q.Why is my roastcrumblingwhenI try to carveit?
A.Roastsare easierto sliceif allowedto cool 10to 20 minutesafterremovingthemfrom the oven. Be sure to cut acrossthe grainof the meat.
Q. DoI needto preheatmy oveneachtime I cook
a roastor poultry?
A.It is not necessaryto preheatyouroven.
Q.Whenbuyinga roast,are thereany specialtips that wouldhelp me cook it moreevenly?
A.Yes.Buy a roast as even in thicknessas possible, or buy rolledroasts.
Q.Can I seal the sidesof my foil “tent”when roastinga turkey?
A.Sealingthe foil will steamthe meat. Leavingit unsealedallowsthe air to circulateand brown the meat.
Frozen Ross@
Frozenroastsof beef,pork,lamb,etc., can be started | Makesurepoultryis thawedbeforeroasting. | |||||
withoutthawing,but allow 10to 25 minutesper |
| Unthawedpoultryoftendoes not cookevenly. | ||||
poundadditionaltime (10 minutesper poundfor | Somecommercialfrozenpoultrycan be cooked | |||||
roastsunder5 pounds,moretime for largerroasts). | successfullywithoutthawing.Followthe directions | |||||
| givenon the packagelabel. - |
| |
Type |
| Oven |
| ApproximateRoastingTime | Internal | |
| Temperature Doneness | in Minutesper Pound |
| Temperature“F. | ||
Meat |
| Rare: | 3 to 5 Ibs. | 6 to 8 Ibs. |
Tendercuts;rib,highquality |
| 325° | ||||
sirlointip,rumportopround* |
| Medium: | |||
| WellDone: | |||
| 325” | Rare: | ||||
| Medium: | |||
Vealshoulder,legorloin* | I | 325° | WellDone: | |||
WellDone: | ||||||
Porkloin.ribor shoulder* | 325° | WellDone: | 3M0 | |||
Ham,precooked | , | 325° | ToWarm: | |||
Poultry |
| 3 to 5 lbs. | Over5 Ibs. |
| |
| WellDone: |
| |||
ChickenorDuck |
| 325° | ||||
Chickenpieces |
| 350° | WellDone: | Over15lbs. | ||
| 10to 15Ibs. | In thigh: | |
Turkey | I | 325° | WellDone: |
*Forbonelessrolledroastsover6 inchesthick,add5 to 10minutesperpoundto timesgivenabove.
tTheU. S.DepartmentofAgriculturesays“Rarebeefispopular,butyoushouldknowthatcookingittoonly140”Fmeanssome.