Qu~tions and Answers
Q. If my ovenclockis not set to the correcttime of day,can I still
A. If the clockis not set to the correcttime of day you will not be ableto set a delayclean to end at a specifictime.
Q.Can I use commercialovencleanerson any part of my
A.No cleanersor coatingsshouldbe used around any part of this oven.If you do use them and do not thoroughlyrinsethe ovenwith water,wipingit absolutelycleanafterward,the residuecan scar the oven surfaceand damagemetalpartsthe next time the ovenis automaticallycleaned.
Q.What should I do if excessivesmoking occurs duringcleaning?
A.This is causedby excessivesoil.Turnthe ovenoff. Open the windowsto rid the roomof smoke.Wait untilthe ovenhas cooledand the word “LOCK’ is off in the display.Wipeup the excesssoiland reset the cleancycle.
Q.1sthe “crackling” or “popping” sound I hear during cleaning normal?
A.Yes.This is the soundof the metalheating and coolingduringboth the cookingand cleaningfunctions.
Q. Shouldtherebe any odorduringthe cleaning?
A.Yes,therewill be an odorduringthe first
few cleanings.Failureto wipe out excessivesoil mightalso causea strongodorwhencleaning.
Q.What causes the
A.This is a normalcondition,resultingfrom heatingand coolingduringcleaning.Theselines do not affecthow your ovenperforms.
Q.Why do I have ash left in my oven after cleaning?
A.Sometypesof soil will leavea depositwhichis ash. It can be removedwith a damp spongeor cloth.
Q.My oven shelvesdo not slide easily.What is the matter?
A.Aftermanycleanings,the oven shelveswill lose their lusterand becomehard to slide.Tomakethe shelvesslidemore easily,wipe the shelfsupports with cookingoil.
Q.My oven shelveshavebecomegrayafterthe
A.Yes.After the
Propercare and cleaningare importantso youroven will giveyou efficient and satisfactoryservice,Followthesedirectionscarefullyin caringfor your oven to assuresafe and propermaintenance.
Oven HeatingElemen@
Do not cleanthe bake elementor the broilelement. Any soilwill burn off whenthe elementsare heated.
The bakeelementcan be liftedgentlyto cleanthe oven floor.If spillovers,residueor ash accumulate aroundthe bakeelementgentlywipe aroundthe elementwith warm water.
Broil Element
Bake Element