ffter Self-Cleaning
Youmay noticesomewhiteash in the oven.Just wipe it up with a dampclothafter the ovencools.
If whitespotsremain,removethemwith a
If the oven is not cleanafterone cleancycle, repeatthe cycle.
If the shelveshavebecomehard to slide,wipethe shelfsupportswith cookingoil.
NOTE:No functionscan be programmedbeforethe door automaticallyunlocks.
Howto Set DelayStart of Cleaning
1.Press the AUTOSELFCLEANpad.
2.Press the INCREASEor DECREASEpad untilthe desiredCleanTimeappears.
3.Press the STOPTIMEpad.
4.Press the INCREASEor DECREASEpad until the desiredStop Timeappearsin the display.
DelayStartis settingthe oventimerto start the clean cycleautomaticallyat a latertime than the present time of day.
NOTE:Beforebeginning,makesurethe ovenclock LOWSthe correcttime of day.
1.Followthe directionsin the Beforea CleanCycle section.
2. After closingthe door,pressthe AUTO
3.Press the INCREASEor DECREASE pad to enterthe CleanTime.
A @Q
| 4. Pressthe STOPTIMEpad. “STOP |
y~:[ | TIME”and the earliestStopTimeyou |
A | can set will appearin the display. |
The earliestStopTimewillbe the CleanTime selectedplus th~time of day.For example: If the CleanTimeis threehoursand the timeof day is 6:00, the StopTimethat appearsin the displaywill be 9:00.
5.Pressthe INCREASEpad to changethe A StopTimeto a latertime of day if
@desired.For example:If you set Stop Timeat 11:00,ovenwill startcleancycle at 8:00and end at 11:00.The door latchesautomatically.
6.Whenthe LOCKlightis off, openthe door.
●A fan may automaticallyturn on and off to cool internalparts. This is normal,and the fan may continueto run after the oven is turnedoff.
(continued next page)