Beforeusingyour oven,read this guidecarefully.
It is intendedto help you oper~teand maintainyour new ovenproperly.
Keepit handyfor answersto yourquestions. Ifyoudon’tunderstandsomethingorneedmorehelp,call:
GE Answer Center” 800.626.2000
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Write down the modeland serial numbers.
You’llfind themon a labelon the front of the oven behindthe ovendoor.
Thesenumbersare also on the ConsumerProduct OwnershipRegistrationCardthat camewith your oven. Beforesendingin this card,pleasewritethese numbershere:
Howto RemovePackagingTape
To assureno damageis doneto the finishof the product,the safestway to removeadhesiveleft from packagingtapeon new appliancesis an applicationof
ahouseholdliquiddishwashingdetergent,mineraloil or cookingoil. Applywith Qsoftcloth and allowto soak.Wipedry and then applyan appliancepolishto thoroughlycleanand protectthesurface.
NOTE: The plastictapemustbe removedfrom the chrometrim on ovenparts,It cannotbe removedif it is bakedon.
Use thesenumbersin any correspondenceor service callsconcerningyouroven.
Savetime and money.
Beforeyou request service...
Checkthe ProblemSolverin the back of this guide.It lists causesof minoroperatingproblemsthat you can correctyourself.
To obtainservice,see the ConsumprServicespagein the back of this guide,
We’reproudof our serviceand wpntyou to be pleased.If for somereasonyou we not happywith the serviceyou receive,here are three stepsto followfor furtherhelp.
FIRST,contactthe peoplewhq servicedyour appliance.Explainwhy you are not pleased.In most cases,this will solvethe prable~,
NEXT,if you are stillnot pleased,writeall the
Manager,ConsumerRelations GE Appliances AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225
FINALLY,if your problem,isstillnot resolved,write:
MajorApplianceConsumerActionPanel 20 North WackerDrive
Chicago,IL 60606