1.Look at the cqn~ols.~~ sumyou understandhow to set themproperly,
2.Checkthe ovenjflterior,@ok at (he shelves. Takea practicerun at re~oving and replacingthem properlyto givesure, sturdyspp~rt,
3.Readover the i~formatjoqand tips that follow.
4.Keep thisguidehaqd~SDyPUcpn refer to it, especiallyduringthefirst weeksof usingyour new oven.
Bothlightscomeon w~n the up~r oven dooris openedor whenthe cofl~rolpmel lightswitchis turnedon.
NOTE: The bottomoven~ws not havei~ own light switch.It operatesby Opening~e up~r ovendoor or by usingthe controlptiel l~gh}switch.
●A fan may automaticallyturn on and off to cool internalparts.This is normal,and the fan may continueto run even after the oven is turnedoff.
●Youmay noticea “burning”or “oily”smellthe first few timesyou turn youroven on. This is normalin a new oven and will disappearin a shorttime. To speed the process,set a
The lightcomeson whenthpovend~r is opened or whenthe con~olpanelswi@~is turnedon,