9ven Shelves
Cleanthe shelveswithan abrasivecleanseror steel wool.Aftercleaning,rinse the shelveswith clean waterand dry with a cleancloth.
NOTE:The ovenshelvesmay also be cleaned
in the
Broiler Pan and Rack
Afterbroiling,removethe broilerpan fromthe oven, Removethe rack from the pan. Carefullypourout greasefromthepan intoa propercontainerWashand. rinse the broilerpan and rack in hot waterwith a
If food has burned on, sprinklethe rack with detergentwhilehot and coverwith wet papertowels
L. a dishcloth.Soakingthe pan willremoveburned on foods.
The broilerpan may be cleanedwith a commercial ovencleaner.Do not use an ovencleaneron the rack.
Boththe broilerpan and rack can also be cleaned in the dishwasher.
Do not cleanthe broilerpan or rack in the self- cleaningoven.
Do not storea soiledbroilerpan andrack anywhere in the oven.
Oven Light Bulb Replacement
CAUTION:Beforereplacingyourovenlight,disconnect electricalpowerfor yourovenat the mainfuse or circuitbreakerpanelor pulltheplug.Be sureto letthe lightcoverandbulbcoolcompletelybeforeremoving or replacingthem.Whencleaning,avoidtouchingwarm lightswithcleaningclothsif thelightcoveris removed.
Theovenlight(bulb)is coveredwitha removableglass coverwhichis heldin placewith a wire. Removethe ovendoor,if desired,to reachcovereasily.
To remove: |
● Holdyourhandunder |
the coverso it doesn’t |
fall whenreleased.With | .;E |
fingersof the samehand, | X |
firmlypushback the | ,~ | “w |
wire coverholder.Lift | Q@ |
off the cover. |
| Wire cover holder |
●Placeit into the grooveof the lightreceptacle.Pull wire forwardto the centerof co~eruntiiit snapsinto place.Whenin place,the wire holdsthe coverfirrrdy. Be certainthe wire is in the depressionin the center of the cover.
●Connectthe electricalpowerto the oven.
(continued next page)