The oven door is removable, but it is heavy.Youmay need help removingand replacing the door.Do not lift the doorby the handle.This can causethe glassto breakor cm cause damageto the door.
To remove the door, openit a few inchesto the specialstop positionthat willholdthe door open.Graspfirmlyon each side and lift the door straightup and off the hinges.
●Be carefulnot to placehandsbetweenthe hinge and the ovendoorframe as the hingecouldsnap back andpinchfingers.
●Whileworkingin the ovenarea, coverthe hinges withtowelsor emptypapertowelrolls to prevent pinchedfingersand chippingthe porcelainenamel on the frame.
To replace the door, make surethe hingesare in the specialstopposition.Positionthe slotsin the bottom of the door squarelyoverthe hinges.Then lowerthe door slowlyand evenlyoverbothhingesat the same time,If hingessnapback againstthe oven frame,pull themback out.
Insideof the door:
●Becausethe area insidethe gasketis cleanedduring the self cleancycle,you do not needto cleanthis by hand.Any soapleft on the linercausesadditional stainswhenthe ovenis heated.
Followthe samedirectionsfor removingand replacingthe dooras describedabove;
TO CLEANTHEDOOR: Insideof door:
●Soapand waterwill normallydo thejob. Heavy spatteringor spilloversmay requirecleaningwith a mild abrasivecleaner.Soapy,wet metalpads may also be used. Do not allowfood spillswith a high sugaror acid content(suchas milk,tomatoes, sauerkraut,fruitjuices or pie filling)to remainon the surface.They may causea dull spoteven after cleaning.
●If necessary,youmay use an ovencleaner. Followthe packagedirections.
●The area outsidethe gasketcan be cleanedwith a
●Do not rub or cleanthe door
NOTE: The gasketis designedwith a gap at the bottomto allowfor properair circulation.
Inside Gasket
Outside Gasket
Outsideof the door:
●Use soapand waterto thoroughlycleanthe top, sidesand frontof the ovendoor.Rinsewell. You may also use a glasscleanerto clean the glass on outsideof the door.
●Spillageof marinades,fruitjuices, tomatosauces and bastingmaterialscontainingacidsmay cause discolorationand shouldbe wipedup immediately. When surfaceis cool,cleanand rinse.
●Do not use oven cleaners, cleansingpowders or harsh abrasives on the oufiide of the door.
c Cleanthe insideof the oven windowwith a mild
Outsideof door:
●Use soap and waterto thoroughlycleanthe top, sidesand front of the ovendoor.DO NOT let water run downthroughopeningsin the top of the door. Rinsewell. Youmay also use a glasscleanerto cleanthe glasson the outsideof the door.
●Spillageof marinades,fruitjuices, tomatosauces and bastingmaterialscontainingacidsmay cause discolorationand shouldbe wipedup immediately. When surfaceis cool,cleanand rinse.
●Do not use ovencleaners,cleansingpowderso, harshabrasiveson the outsideof the door.