●Donot touch the heatingelementsor the interior surfaceof the oven.Thesesurfacesmay be hotenoughto burneventhoughtheyaredark in color.Duringandafteruse,do nottouch,or let clothingor otherflammablematerialscontactany interiorareaoftheoven;allowsufficienttimefor coolingfirst.
Potentiallyhotsurfacesincludetheovenvent openingsandsurfacesneartheopenings,crevices aroundtheovendoor,theedgesof thedoor windowandmetaltrimpartsabovethedaor,
Remember: Theinsidesurfaceof the ovenmay behot whenthedooris opened,
●When cooking pork, followthedirections exactlyandalwayscooktherntat to an internal temperatureof at least170°FThisassuresthat,in. theremotepossibilitythattrichinamaybe present in themeat,it willbe killedandthemeatwillbe safeto eat.
●Do not use your oven to dry newspapers.
If overheated,theycancatchfire.
●Donot leave paper products,cooking utensils,or foodin the ovenwhennot in use.
* Donot use oven for storage area. Items storedin an ovencanignite,
●After broiling, always take the broiler pan
out of the oven and clean it. Leftovergrease
in thebroilerpancancatchfirenexttimeyouuse thepan.
●Never leave jars or cans of fat drippings on or near your oven.
* Donot clean the oven door gasket. Thedoor gasketis essentialfora goodseal.Careshouldbe takennotto rub,damageor movethegasket,
●Do not use oven cleaners, No commercial
●Stand away from the oven when opening the
oven door. Hotairor steamwhichescapescan causeburnstohands,faceand/oreyes.
●Donot heat unopened food containers.
Pressurecouldbuildup andthecontain~r couldburst,causingariinjury,
●Keep the oven vent duct unobstructed,
●Keep the oven free from grease buildup.
ovencleaneror ovenlinerprotectivecoating of anykindshouldbe usedin or aroundanypart of theoven.Residuefromovencleanerswill damagetheinsideof
●Clean only parts listed in this Use and Care Guide.
●Do not use aluminum foil to line oven bottoms, except as suggested in guide. Improper
●Place the oven sheIf in the desired position
while the oven is cool, If theshelvesmustbe
handledwhenhot,donotletthepotholder contacttheheatingelementsin theoven.
●Never leave the oven door open whenyouare
●Pullingout the shelfto the shelf stopisa
convenience in Iifting heavy foods. Itis alsoa
precautionagainstburnsfromtouchingthehot surfacesof thedooror theovenwalls.
●When using cooking or roasting bags in
the oven, followthemanufacturer’sdirections,
installationof aluminumfoilmayresultin a riskof electricshockor fire.
●Be sure to wipe up excess spillage before starting the
●If the
ovenoffanddisconnectthepowersupply.Haveit servicedby a qualifiedtechnician.