NormalCleaningTime:3 hours
~nmodelswith doubleovens,onlythe upperovenis
. he bottomovenis standardclean.See the PorcelainOvenInteriorsection. Singleovenmodelsare
Beforea Clean Cycle
Werecommendventingwith an openwindow or usinga ventilationfan or hoodduringthe first
1.Removethe broilerpan, broilerrack, all cookware and any aluminumfoil from the
NOTE: The ovenshelvesmay be cleanedin
A.Wipeup heavysoilon the ovenbottom.If you
Oven - vent grille
_ Oven light
Uven - front frame
Y4*730 00000010000 0000000000Doonna100UOOIIOUOOOOODUnnooooo
Area Area Openings Oven door
outside inside in door gasket gasket gasket
3.Clean spattersor soilon the ovenfrontframeand the oven dooroutsidethe gasketwitha dampened cloth.The oven front frameand the ovendoor outsidethe gasketdo not get cleanedby the self- cleancycle.On theseareas,use detergentand hot wateror a
Do not use abrasivesor ovencleaners.Clean the outsidefront of the oven doorwith soapand water.Also use soap and waterto cleanunderthe ovenventgrille.
Makesurethe oven lightbulb coveris in place.
Do not rub or cleanthe doorgasket—
the fiberglassmaterialof the gaskethas an extremelylow resistanceto abrasion.An intact and
Do not let waterrun downthroughopeningsin the top of the door.To help preventwaterfrom gettingin these slotswhencleaning,openthe door as far as it will go.
4.Closethe ovendoor and makesurethe oven lightis off. If the ovenlightis not turnedoff, the life of the bulb will be shortenedor it may burn out immediately.The doorlatches automaticallyafter the cleancycleis set.
Do not use commercialovencleanersor oven protectorsin or nearthe
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