Fisher & Paykel AeroTech manual Blue Diamond TM Porcelain Interior, Dialtronictm

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Three halogen lights and Blue Diamond TM porcelain enamel teamed with crisp contours and refined elegance make this oven a pleasure to use.


Precise electronics teamed with individual displays and a familiar dial gives you simplicity in control.

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Contents Wall Oven N T E N T S O T E T O Y O U Optileveltm E C I a L T a L E N T SDialtronictm Blue Diamond TM Porcelain InteriorGeneral E N S a F E T YCare and Cleaning When Using the OvenC a T I O N O F F E a T U R E S Location of FeaturesYour Oven Comes with the Following Accessories Before YOU First USE Your Oven Setting the ClockT T I N G T H E C L O C K Preheating Your Oven Oven Mode Dial & DisplayTemperature Dial & Display Oven Modes E N M O D E SWarm BakePastry Bake Roast Self CleanBroil Maxi BroilTo Insert Shelves T I L E V E L TMBroiling System C E S S O R I E SGlass Tray Cookie SheetsBaking Guide for the Pizza Stone Pizza Stone and PaddleE N O P E R a T I O N Using the Double OvenALL about the Timer To Set Automatic / Delayed Time Cooking Automatic / Delayed Time CookingTo Cancel Automatic / Delayed Time To Set Automatic ‘Stop’ CookingALL about the Cooking Probe Using The Cooking ProbeTips for a Successful Roast RoastingMaxi Broil and Broil BroilingAerobroil Tips for Successful BroilingTips for Successful Baking BakingDehydrating / Defrosting Multi Shelf CookingTips for Proofing Bread Control Panel LockE R S E L E C T O P T I O N S ALL about User Select ModeSabbath Mode HOW to Hide the Time in the Clock Display HOW to Change from 12 Hour to 24 Hour Time DisplayHOW to Change the Language HOW to Reset the OvenFood O K I N G C H a R T SFood Chewy Choc Chip Cookies 12-18 Squares/Slices 20-30 Squares/Slices 15-20 Maxi Broil & Broil Vegetables Cooking Probe and Roasting ChartCleaning the Door Glass Cleaning the Control PANEL, Oven Door and HandleCleaning the Porcelain Enamelled Surfaces Cleaning the Broiling System and Oven ShelvesL F C L E a N M O D E ALL about the Self Clean ModeUsing the Self Clean Mode Double Oven Models Short Self Clean CycleSelf Cleaning Delayed Start Cause Remedy TroubleshootingBaked Products TOO Brown on Bottom HOW to Change the Oven Light Bulbs Fault CodesN U F a C T U R E R ’ S W a R R a N T Y F O R U S a Fisher & Paykel Undertakes to This Warranty does not CoverProduct Details O O F O F P U R C H a S EUSA if you need assistance S T O M E R C a R ECopyright Reserved Fisher & Paykel