Alto-Shaam FryTech Series manual Dan Ger, WA Rning, AU TI on, Insta Llat I on

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Knowl edg e of prop er proc edu res is essen tial to the safe opera tion of elec trically and/or gas energize d equi pment. In accorda nce with gen erally accepte d produ ct safety labeling guideline s for poten tial hazards, the following sign al wor ds and symbo ls may be used throughout this manual.


Used to indicate the presence of a hazard that WILL cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the warning included with this symbol is ignored.


Used to indicate the presence of a hazard that CAN cause personal injury, possible death, or major property damage if the warning included with this symbol is ignored.


Used to indicate the presence of a hazard that can or will cause minor or moderate personal injury or property damage if the warning included with this symbol is ignored.


Used to indicate the presence of a hazard that can or will cause minor personal injury, property damage, or a potential unsafe practice if the warning included with this symbol is ignored.

NOTE: Used to noti fy per sonnel of installation, oper ation, or

mai ntena nce inform ation that is import ant but not hazard rela ted .

1.This appliance is intended to coo k, hold or proce ss food s for the purpose of human consumption . No other use for this applianc e is authori zed or recom mended.

2.This appliance is intended for use in comme rcial establishments where all operators are fami liar with the purpose, limitations, and ass ociated hazards of this appliance. Operati ng

instruct ion s and warnings must be read and understoo d by all operators and users.

3.Any troubleshoot ing guides , component views, and parts lists included in this manual are for general reference only and are inte nded for use by qualif ied technica l person nel.

4.This manual should be con sid ere d a permanent part of this appliance. This manual and all supplied instr uct ions, diagra ms, sche matics , parts list s, notices, and labels must remain with the appliance if the item is sold or moved to another location.


For equipment delivered for use in any location regulated by the following directive:




Gas Fr yer Op era tion & Car e Manua l • 2

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Contents Stal Lation Operation Maint Enanc E ASF- 60G AS F-75G Gas Fryers With Basic ControlUnpack I NG AngerWA RN in G Deli VeryAU TI on Safety Proc Edures Preca UTI ONSDAN GER WA RningASF- 75G S P Ecif IC Atio N S Stallat IONDimen Sions EXT ERI or H x W x D AS F-60G SPE Cifica TIO NSSite Inst Alla Tion ANG ERCAU TIO N WA RN INGInsta Llat Warn in GCA UTI on Warni NGENT Ilat IO N Dang ERGA S Specificat Ions WarninNever U SE AN Open Flame to Leak Test DAN GE RAS Connec ION LEA K Testi NGWarn I NG RES T RA in T RE Quir E ME NTS Mobile Quipm ENTRisk of Electr IC Shock ELE CTR Ical R E Quir E M EN T S AN GEROI L/S Hort Ening RE Quire Ments Caut IONCAU TI on OperationOpera Tion Rols B Ehind a CCE SS PA N E LASF-75G, 120V with Filtration BOIL-OUT . The handle should be rotated clockwise untilDRAINit stopsBoil OUT button OIL OU T Open the DRAIN. The handle should be rotatedCounterclockwise until it stops STA RT UP & Gene RA L OP Eration Press Element HI Reset buttonDA NGE R CL Eaning & MA Inten a NC ESever E D Amage or Electr ICA L HA Zard could Result Closed position OIL Filtration Instructions for Units with Installed OptionStandard and Optional Filters Filter ReplacementReusable Mesh Filter Option Filter Cleaning & MaintenanceCleaning & Maintenance DA NG EROIL Disca RD HO SE Option Program SU Ggeste D FR Ying Time SEggplan t CAU Tion BA SI C CO Ntro L OPE Rati onROL PA NEL IDE Ntif Icat IO N Basic ROL O Perati LEF T and RI GH T Baske T OperationFor ev ery compon ent fryer in multi ple-stati on u nits SH Utdown LE FT AN D Right Bask ET OperationSync Hroniz ED Basket S Optio N Basic Cont ROL O Perati onCaut IO N Control Programmi NG Overvie WFor e ver y co mpone nt fryer in multiple-s tati on unit s Ent er Co ntr ol Pro gra mming. Press th e PRO Gram button Progra MM ING the C OntrolPro gramming Cauti onProgram MI NG TH E CON Trol For on e second wi ll exi t ControlTemp Eratu RE Verifi Cation BA SI C CO Ntro L Trou Bles HO O T I NGPump WI LL no T Return OIL SER VIC EFryer W ILL not P Ower -UP Fryer W ILL not H EATExtended Limited Frypot Warranty AutionErvi C E See details for these assemblies on following pages AS F-75G Servi CE 5009557230V Electric ASSY, Motor Mount 5009210 Basic Control AssemblyDoor Assembly ASF -75G SE RviceKettle and GAS Train 5009207Lower Front Panel Assy 5009558Servi Rvice AS F- 60G SE Rvice Lift ASSEMBLY-ASF-60 ASF -60G SE RviceKettle ASSY, Basic Control Door Drain Panel & SwitchesVALVE-DRAIN Assembly AS F-60G Servi CEBasic Control Panel Assembly AS F-60G ASF -60G SE Alto -SH AAM , in C Warranty